I have a file that I think represents a series of coordinates for a triangle mesh in 3D space. The first few lines look like this:

-0.000000,2.758621,12.413793 0.798542,2.443666,15.312572 2.584137,2.443666,12.413793 -0.000000,-18.758621,12.413793 2.090611,-18.443666,10.622249 2.090610,-18.443666,14.205337 -0.000000,2.758621,12.413793 2.584137,2.443666,12.413793 0.798542,2.443666,9.515014 -0.000000,2.758621,12.413793 0.798542,2.443666,9.515014 -2.090611,2.443666,10.622249

The rest of the file (over 47 kB) follows this pattern.

I want to be able to see the model represented by this data. Is there some text I can wrap the entire thing with to make it viewable in a program like MeshLab?

For the record: I wasn't sure if I should ask this here or on SuperUser.


1 回答 1


我在猜,但看起来每条线都是组成三角形的三个顶点的 (x,y,z) 坐标?

如果是这样,这种格式与 STL 文件格式非常兼容。一旦将其转换为 STL 格式,就会有许多查看器来可视化数据。有许多不同语言的 STL 编写器,只需执行 google 搜索以获取示例。

于 2015-05-14T02:45:16.410 回答