I hadn't heard of debounce so I had to look it up. It could potentially help, but that would be an extra plugin you'd have to include and maintain and it might not work exactly how you want (I didn't see anything indicating that it does "bunches or time frames", just seemed to be bunches, which means it might fire late on you).
Instead, what you could do is throttle it yourself with a little bit of timing.
var scrollTimeInterval = 200; // how often we allow the action to trigger, in ms.
var lastScrollTime = 0;
var scrollTimeoutId = null;
$(document).scroll(function () {
var now = (new Date()).getTime();
var dScrollTime = now - lastScrollTime;
lastScrollTime = now;
if (dScrollTime < scrollTimeInterval) {
// Set a timeout so we catch the last one.
scrollTimeoutId = setTimeout(function() { $(document).scroll(); }, scrollTimeInterval - dScrollTime);
return; // too soon, so we'll skip
// Clear any potentially pending timeout.
var y = $(this).scrollTop();
if (y < $('.body-container-wrapper').outerHeight() - $('.footer-container- wrapper').outerHeight() - 400 ) {
} else {
With this, the scroll event simply won't do anything if it hasn't been a certain amount of time since it last triggered. To ensure we catch the last scroll event (the last one before they stopped scrolling), I added a timeout which will trigger the scroll event one last time. We also have to make sure to clear that if we handle another scroll event before it fires (so we don't double up on it).
You can control the time interval it allows with the first variable. If 200ms feels a bit sluggish, you can reduce it to 100ms or 50ms and see if that gives a better balance.
Hope that helps.