这是我很长一段时间以来的第一次编程,所以我基本上是从零开始,我使用的是coldfusion 8。

我想做的是从各种较大的图像、一些肖像、一些风景中创建一系列统一的缩略图图像(总是 68 X 46)。在这两种情况下,调整图像大小以填充缩略图的高度或宽度,然后将多余的图像从任一侧(上/下,左/右)平均裁剪。就像 Photoshop 默认使用画布调整大小一样。

只要源图像尺寸/比例完美,下面的代码就可以很好地工作,但是我已经开始遇到代码失败的情况。在这种情况下,当调整大小的图像宽度最终小于 68 时。

<cfif FileExists(ExpandPath('images/gallery/thumbs/thm_'&imageMed[i].medium.XmlText)) IS false> <!--- If the thumb doesn't exist, create it. --->
<cfif imageDataThumb.width gt imageDataThumb.height >
  <!--- Landscape --->
  <cfset ImageResize(cfImageThumb,"","46")>
  <cfset ImageCrop(cfImageThumb,(cfImageThumb.width-68)/2,0,68,46)> <!--- Crop left/right edges of images --->
  <cfimage source="#cfImageThumb#" action="write" destination="images/gallery/thumbs/thm_#imageMed[i].medium.XmlText#" overwrite="yes">
  <!--- Portrait --->
  <cfset ImageResize(cfImageThumb,"68","")>
  <cfset ImageCrop(cfImageThumb,0,(cfImageThumb.height-23)/2,68,46)>
  <!--- Crop top/bottom edges of images --->
  <cfimage source="#cfImageThumb#" action="write" destination="images/gallery/thumbs/thm_#imageMed[i].medium.XmlText#" overwrite="yes">

试图解决这些“边缘情况”会使代码变得一团糟。有没有更好的方法来解决这个问题?冷熔或 CFC 中的东西?


4 回答 4


我知道这很旧,但您可以在 ben nadel 的 imageUtils 库中使用 AspectCrop。检查 riaforge.com。它完全符合您的要求。我知道,我写了。:)

于 2010-08-23T18:39:34.623 回答

我会先检查图像的比例并相应地调整短边裁剪。为了简洁起见,我使用 CFScript,但这可以很容易地转换为 Coldfusion 标签。

  minimumRatio = 68 / 46;   // 1.478 (68 pixels / 46 pixels)
  width = ImageGetWidth(imageDataThumb);
  height = ImageGetHeight(imageDataThumb);

  // determine the longside and the aspect
  if (width GT height) {
      longside  = width;
      shortside = height;
      aspect    = "landscape";

  } else {
      longside  = height;
      shortside = width;
      aspect    = "portrait"; 

  // determine the aspect ratio
  if (longside / shortside GTE minimumRatio) {
      // Do normal resize / crop

      if (width EQ longside) {
          // landscape

      } else {
          // portrait


  } else {
      // ratio is too small - perform some additional calculations before resize / crop
      // in this case, you'll likely need to resize for the opposite side then crop the excess



<cfimage source="#cfImageThumb#" action="write" destination="images/gallery/thumbs/thm_#imageMed[i].medium.XmlText#" overwrite="yes">


于 2010-01-27T15:20:10.463 回答



假设您的代码的所有其他内容都是正确的,您应该能够将下面的代码放入 FileExists if 块中,替换当前内容。

<cfset CurrentWidth = imageDataThumb.width>
<cfset CurrentHeight = imageDataThumb.height>
<cfset CurrentRatio = CurrentWidth / CurrentHeight>
<cfset DesiredRatio = 68 / 46>

<cfif CurrentWidth GTE CurrentHeight>
 <!--- Landscape Image --->
 <cfif CurrentRatio LT DesiredRatio>
  <!--- More Landscape --->
  <cfset Keep = "width">
  <!--- Less Landscape --->
  <cfset Keep = "height">
 <!--- Portrait Image --->
 <cfif CurrentRatio GT DesiredRatio>
  <!--- More Portrait --->
  <cfset Keep = "height">
  <!--- Less Portrait --->
  <cfset Keep = "width">

<cfif Keep EQ "width">
  <!--- Crop top/bottom edges of images --->
  <cfset ImageResize(cfImageThumb,"68","")>
  <cfset ImageCrop(cfImageThumb,0,(cfImageThumb.height-46)/2,68,46)>
  <!--- Crop left/right edges of images --->
  <cfset ImageResize(cfImageThumb,"","46")>
  <cfset ImageCrop(cfImageThumb,(cfImageThumb.width-68)/2,0,68,46)>

<cfimage source="#cfImageThumb#" action="write" destination="images/gallery/thumbs/thm_#imageMed[i].medium.XmlText#" overwrite="yes">
于 2010-02-01T02:03:03.470 回答

不会。 ImageScaleToFit 会确保图像适合边界,在这种情况下会留下空白。我需要用图像完全填充可用空间。

于 2010-01-27T14:39:46.600 回答