我已经安装了一些来自 elpa 和 melpa 的软件包。有些包并不真正要求我编辑我的.emacs文件来添加任何钩子或包含(require 'fn)一行。另一方面,一些软件包提供说明编辑.emacs文件是安装的一部分的说明。我最近安装ace-jump-mode并且包装系统为该软件包创建了一个目录,.emacs.d如下所示:安装ace-jump-mode-20130719.2053/说明要求在我的文件中添加几行。.emacs


  1. .emacs安装软件包后何时需要编辑文件?
  2. 如果我需要更新软件包,将路径添加到 ace-jump 似乎会中断,有没有更好的方法将路径包含在我的.emacs文件中?

1 回答 1

  1. Different packages handle key bindings and loading differently. Sometimes you'll have to modify your configuration, and sometimes you won't. The best bet is to read the documentation for each thing you install, which you appear to already be doing.

  2. You shouldn't have to explicitly specify the path to your ace-jump package. ELPA / package.el will take care of updating your load-path. The following snippet should work, without specifying that path manually:

    ;; No (add-to-list 'load-path ...)
    (require 'ace-jump-mode)
    ;; Optional
    (define-key global-map (kbd "C-c SPC") 'ace-jump-mode)
于 2014-01-28T23:05:09.213 回答