When I create an API proxy in Apigee (my account is new), and then paste that newly created url into my browser, I get an unexpected result.

The data returns as I would expect from my underlying API on my system. But, the URL in the Browser changes from the Apigee URL to my original URL.

I don't really even want the user to know that my underlying URL exists. We are planning on putting Client Side SSL in place so that only the Apigee system can talk to our underlying API, but this is still behavior that I wasn't expecting.

Any help or guidance would be most appreciated.


1 回答 1


您在浏览器中看到目标 url 的唯一方法是,如果您的目标在响应中返回带有所述 url 的 302 重定向。如果在 apigee 中您使用自动重定向到 https 地址的重写规则指向 http 目标,这通常会发生。

解决此问题的最佳方法是将目标更改为 https 地址,这样就不会发生重定向。

如果出于其他原因,您应该查看跟踪工具以准确了解通过 apigee 的流量,这可以让您很好地了解请求在通过平台时发生的变化。

于 2014-01-28T18:12:52.333 回答