I am trying to get the Bluetooth RSSI of a paired device in under one second. I found some interesting approaches on this site here targeting this topic. As far as I can conclude getting the RSSI under my circumstances is not possible with the Android SDK.

But I still have - because of some papers - some hope left, that it is still possible with the NDK to use some native code of the new bluedroid HAL stack.

I am using original Samsung Galaxy Nexus I9250 for my university project.

So can someone please tell me, if it is still possible to get this value in this or a similar way?

And if yes, how it can be roughly done, because I am pretty new to C and the Android NDK.

Thank you!


1 回答 1


您可以使用原生 API,因为您指的是 NDK 和 Bluez API 提供的调用函数,请在http://www.bluez.org/找到。hci_read_rssi()Bluez 提供的用于获取蓝牙 RSSI 的命名函数。(在 libbluetooth.so 中)。




于 2014-01-28T10:23:28.020 回答