我最近从屏幕切换到 tmux/powerline/tmuxinator
set -g prefix C-t
unbind C-b
bind C-t send-prefix
set -g status-keys emacs
setw -g mod-keys emacs
set -g status-position bottom
# status bar
set-option -g status-utf8 on
# status bar
# windows
bind-key C-t last-window
# focus on first window#
select-window -t 0
source ~/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/powerline/bindings/tmux/powerline.conf
和 tmuxinator
# ~/.tmuxinator/zibann.yml
name: zibann
root: ~/Documents/zibann/
# Optional tmux socket
# socket_name: foo
# Runs before everything. Use it to start daemons etc.
# pre: sudo /etc/rc.d/mysqld start
# Runs in each window and pane before window/pane specific commands. Useful for setting up interpreter versions.
# pre_window: rbenv shell 2.0.0-p247
# Pass command line options to tmux. Useful for specifying a different tmux.conf.
# tmux_options: -f ~/.tmux.mac.conf
# Change the command to call tmux. This can be used by derivatives/wrappers like byobu.
# tmux_command: byobu
- root: ls -l
- emacs: workon zibann && cd momsite && emacs
- cmd: workon zibann && cd momsite
- ipdb: workon zibann && cd momsite && emacs
- dbshell: workon zibann && cd momsite && python manage.py dbshell
- logs:
layout: main-vertical
- tail -f momsite/momsite/log/celeryd_error.log
- tail -f momsite/momsite/log/celerybeat_error.log
- tail -f momsite/momsite/log/uwsgi_out.log
- tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log
- supervisor: workon zibann && cd momsite # && python manage.py supervisor --config-file=momsite/conf/supervisord.conf