我正在使用 wpf 工具包数据网格来显示 AccountViewModel 的可观察集合。
问题是当我从网格中删除一个帐户时,我希望它从 ObservableCollection 中删除 - 为用户提供视觉反馈,但我希望 Account 模型的基础列表保持不变,只需设置一个“IsDeleted”标志帐户模型。
我订阅了 CollectionChanged 事件:
AccountViewModels.CollectionChanged += AccountsChanged;
然后在删除某些内容时将视图模型的模型 isdeleted 标志设置为 true:
private void AccountsChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.NewItems != null)
foreach (AccountViewModel model in e.NewItems)
model.PropertyChanged += accountPropertyChanged;
model.Account.IsNew = true;
if (e.OldItems != null)
foreach (AccountViewModel model in e.OldItems)
model.PropertyChanged -= accountPropertyChanged;
model.Account.IsDeleted = true;
但显然这会将其从可观察集合中删除。因此,当我提交更改时,将没有设置 IsDeleted 标志的帐户。即他们将已经被删除。
foreach (AccountViewModel acc in m_ViewModel.AccountViewModels)
WorkItem workItem = null;
workItem = new WorkItem("Saving new account: " + acc.AccountName, "Saving new account to the database", () => Service.AddAccount(acc.Account));
else if (acc.Account.IsDeleted)
workItem = new WorkItem("Removing account: " + acc.AccountName, "Setting account inactive in the database", () => Service.RemoveAccount(acc.Account));
else if(acc.Account.IsDirty)
workItem = new WorkItem("Updating account: " + acc.AccountName, "Updating account in the database", () => Service.UpdateAccount(acc.Account));