哪种方法可以在 C# 中简单实现 A*(A 星)算法?


2 回答 2



这篇博文的目的是通过一个非常简单的 C# 实现来展示 A* 的基础知识。


至于如何找到更好的路线,周围有很多 C# 示例比这个更好、更丰富。CastorTiu在 CodeProject 上有一个非常好的演示解决方案,用 C# 实现 A* 算法,它可以动画搜索算法并允许用户调整一些设置。[...]

EpPathFinding.cs- C# 中的快速路径查找算法(跳转点搜索)(基于网格)。它有一个漂亮、清晰的 GUI,并允许调整一些设置。

于 2016-01-23T14:17:31.407 回答

在函数 AStar 中,我们首先创建一个新的 matrixNode,参数为 fromX 和 fromY。matrixNode 具有属性,“fr”是任何给定 matrixNode 到起始节点的距离,“to”属性是给定 matrixNode 到目标 matrixNode 的距离(在坐标(3,3 ) 在 unitTest 的示例中),以及一个属性“sum”,它是“to”和“fr”的总和。属性 parent 是对给定节点在从开始节点到达结束节点的路径中移动到的 matrixNode 的引用。字典 greens 和 reds,分别是A* 搜索算法中描述的 openSet 和 closedSet维基百科上的页面。这些集合的一般想法是,我们试图在绿色/开放集合中找到具有最低“sum”值的 matrixNode,因为“sum”是节点到起始节点的距离总和 ( fromX,fromY) 和 (toX, toY) 处的结束节点

    public static void unitTest_AStar()
        char[][] matrix = new char[][] { new char[] {'-', 'S', '-', '-', 'X'},
                                         new char[] {'-', 'X', 'X', '-', '-'},
                                         new char[] {'-', '-', '-', 'X', '-'},
                                         new char[] {'X', '-', 'X', 'E', '-'},
                                         new char[] {'-', '-', '-', '-', 'X'}};

        //looking for shortest path from 'S' at (0,1) to 'E' at (3,3)
        //obstacles marked by 'X'
        int fromX = 0, fromY = 1, toX = 3, toY = 3;
        matrixNode endNode = AStar(matrix, fromX, fromY, toX, toY);

        //looping through the Parent nodes until we get to the start node
        Stack<matrixNode> path = new Stack<matrixNode>();

        while (endNode.x != fromX || endNode.y != fromY)
            endNode = endNode.parent;

        Console.WriteLine("The shortest path from  " +
                          "(" + fromX + "," + fromY + ")  to " +
                          "(" + toX + "," + toY + ")  is:  \n");

        while (path.Count > 0)
            matrixNode node = path.Pop();
            Console.WriteLine("(" + node.x + "," + node.y + ")");

    public class matrixNode
        public int fr = 0, to = 0, sum = 0;
        public int x, y;
        public matrixNode parent;

    public static matrixNode AStar(char[][] matrix, int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY)
        // in this version an element in a matrix can move left/up/right/down in one step, two steps for a diagonal move.

        //the keys for greens and reds are x.ToString() + y.ToString() of the matrixNode 
        Dictionary<string, matrixNode> greens = new Dictionary<string, matrixNode>(); //open 
        Dictionary<string, matrixNode> reds = new Dictionary<string, matrixNode>(); //closed 

        matrixNode startNode = new matrixNode { x = fromX, y = fromY };
        string key = startNode.x.ToString() + startNode.x.ToString();
        greens.Add(key, startNode);

        Func<KeyValuePair<string, matrixNode>> smallestGreen = () =>
            KeyValuePair<string, matrixNode> smallest = greens.ElementAt(0);

            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, matrixNode> item in greens)
                if (item.Value.sum < smallest.Value.sum)
                    smallest = item;
                else if (item.Value.sum == smallest.Value.sum
                        && item.Value.to < smallest.Value.to)
                    smallest = item;

            return smallest;

        //add these values to current node's x and y values to get the left/up/right/bottom neighbors
        List<KeyValuePair<int, int>> fourNeighbors = new List<KeyValuePair<int, int>>()
                                            { new KeyValuePair<int, int>(-1,0),
                                              new KeyValuePair<int, int>(0,1),
                                              new KeyValuePair<int, int>(1, 0),
                                              new KeyValuePair<int, int>(0,-1) };

        int maxX = matrix.GetLength(0);
        if (maxX == 0)
            return null;
        int maxY = matrix[0].Length;

        while (true)
            if (greens.Count == 0)
                return null;

            KeyValuePair<string, matrixNode> current = smallestGreen();
            if (current.Value.x == toX && current.Value.y == toY)
                return current.Value;

            reds.Add(current.Key, current.Value);

            foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> plusXY in fourNeighbors)
                int nbrX = current.Value.x + plusXY.Key;
                int nbrY = current.Value.y + plusXY.Value;
                string nbrKey = nbrX.ToString() + nbrY.ToString();
                if (nbrX < 0 || nbrY < 0 || nbrX >= maxX || nbrY >= maxY
                    || matrix[nbrX][nbrY] == 'X' //obstacles marked by 'X'
                    || reds.ContainsKey(nbrKey))

                if (greens.ContainsKey(nbrKey))
                    matrixNode curNbr = greens[nbrKey];
                    int from = Math.Abs(nbrX - fromX) + Math.Abs(nbrY - fromY);
                    if (from < curNbr.fr)
                        curNbr.fr = from;
                        curNbr.sum = curNbr.fr + curNbr.to;
                        curNbr.parent = current.Value;
                    matrixNode curNbr = new matrixNode { x = nbrX, y = nbrY };
                    curNbr.fr = Math.Abs(nbrX - fromX) + Math.Abs(nbrY - fromY);
                    curNbr.to = Math.Abs(nbrX - toX) + Math.Abs(nbrY - toY);
                    curNbr.sum = curNbr.fr + curNbr.to;
                    curNbr.parent = current.Value;
                    greens.Add(nbrKey, curNbr);
于 2016-06-26T00:39:26.873 回答