
如果碰巧有符合条件的文章,并且 UITableView 打开并显示此特定列表,则应用程序崩溃,因为查询NSFetchedResultsController结果经常出现以下错误:

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'no section at index 26'


*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '*** -[__NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: index 0 beyond bounds for empty array'

调用时:(_objects 是 NSFetchedResultsController)

[_objects objectAtIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:currentRow inSection:indexPath.section]]


- (void)controller:(NSFetchedResultsController *)controller didChangeObject:(id)anObject


我可以阻止合并更改,但是当应用程序返回前台时ManagedObjectContect,如何确保它已更新,并且更改反映在 中?UITableView



- (void)performMaintenance{      
        UIApplication *application = [UIApplication sharedApplication]; //Get the shared application instance

        __block UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier background_task; //Create a task object

        background_task = [application beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler: ^ {
            [application endBackgroundTask: background_task]; //Tell the system that we are done with the tasks
            background_task = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid; //Set the task to be invalid

            //System will be shutting down the app at any point in time now

        //Background tasks require you to use asyncrous tasks

        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
            //Perform your tasks that your application requires

            NSLog(@"\n\nRunning maintenance in the background!\n\n");
            // Perform work that should be allowed to continue in background
            [self doMaintenance];

            [application endBackgroundTask: background_task]; //End the task so the system knows that you are done with what you need to perform
            background_task = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid; //Invalidate the background_task

#pragma mark Actions
- (void)doMaintenance{
    DODataManager *data = [[DODataManager alloc] init];

    NSDateComponents *components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
    components.month = -2;
    NSDate *twoMonthsBeforeNow = [[NSCalendar currentCalendar] dateByAddingComponents:components toDate:[NSDate date] options:0];

    NSFetchedResultsController* controller = [data getArticlesBeforeDate:twoMonthsBeforeNow];
    NSLog(@"Cleaning up database, removing %i items", controller.fetchedObjects.count);
    for(DOArticle* article in controller.fetchedObjects){
        [controller.managedObjectContext deleteObject:article];

    // Update the unread count and unread count (if dataconenction available)
    [data updateBadge];

    [data commitChanges];


    NSMutableDictionary* dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"1.0" forKey:@"progress"];
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:kDialogUpdate object:dict];

    NSLog(@"Finished maintenace!");


2014-01-27 22:16:34.541 iDomsPortalDev[1963:5107] Cleaning up database, removing 2 items
2014-01-27 22:16:36.024 iDomsPortalDev[1963:5107] Start for 3 items on object Setting!
2014-01-27 22:16:36.026 iDomsPortalDev[1963:5107] Removing 0 stat items
2014-01-27 22:16:36.029 iDomsPortalDev[1963:70b] Merging changes!
2014-01-27 22:16:36.030 iDomsPortalDev[1963:70b] Delete

1 回答 1


您正在从异步 GCD 块调用 doMaintainance,并且您正在访问托管对象上下文。


于 2014-01-27T17:41:51.750 回答