嘿,我的问题是这样的,它可能对其他人也有用,我有一个带有 instance_id 的订单,该订单有几张带有不同 ticket_number 作为 sr_num 的票,但都有相同的服务实例 id。工单可能处于打开关闭或正在进行中的不同阶段,假设一个订单有 4 张工单,并且有很多订单有 4 个或更少的工单我找到一种工单的所有打开工单,获取它的 service_instance_id 并与之对应,查找对该订单开放的其他票。
使用以下查询,我可以找到它,但它们都在一个之下,我希望它用于特定订单,所有 4 票信息都在一行中,如果该订单的特定票已关闭,它不应该是显示
select a.sr_num Acceptance_TT, a.act_open_dt Acceptance_Date, e.login Acceptance_Owner , c.sr_area, c.sr_num, c.act_open_dt, d.login, case when c.sr_stat_id in ('Closed','Cancelled') then '-' else c.sr_stat_id end TT_Status
siebel.s_srv_req a -- GOC TT
,siebel.s_order_item b -- ServiceInstanceID
,siebel.s_srv_req c -- Project Management
,siebel.s_user d -- Owner
,siebel.s_user e -- GOC Owner
a.sr_area = 'GOC Acceptance' and a.sr_num='20130601-3-28'
and a.sr_stat_id in ('Open - GOC')
and a.x_service_instance_id = b.row_id
and c.x_service_instance_id = b.row_id
and c.sr_area = 'Project Management'
--and c.sr_stat_id not in ('Closed','Cancelled')
and c.owner_emp_id = d.row_id
and a.owner_emp_id = e.row_id PM 5:39
select a.sr_num Acceptance_TT, a.act_open_dt Acceptance_Date, e.login Acceptance_Owner, c.sr_area, c.sr_num, c.act_open_dt, d.login, case when c.sr_stat_id in ('Closed','Cancelled') then '-' else c.sr_stat_id end TT_Status
siebel.s_srv_req a -- GOC TT
,siebel.s_order_item b -- ServiceInstanceID
,siebel.s_srv_req c -- Provisioning
,siebel.s_user d -- Owner
,siebel.s_user e -- GOC Owner
a.sr_area = 'GOC Acceptance' and a.sr_num='20130601-3-28'
and a.sr_stat_id in ('Open - GOC')
and a.x_service_instance_id = b.row_id
and c.x_service_instance_id = b.row_id
and c.sr_area = 'Provisioning'
--and c.sr_stat_id not in ('Closed','Cancelled')
and c.owner_emp_id = d.row_id
and a.owner_emp_id = e.row_id PM 5:39
select a.sr_num Acceptance_TT, a.act_open_dt Acceptance_Date, e.login Acceptance_Owner, c.sr_area, c.sr_num, c.act_open_dt, d.login, case when c.sr_stat_id in ('Closed','Cancelled') then '-' else c.sr_stat_id end TT_Status
siebel.s_srv_req a -- GOC TT
,siebel.s_order_item b -- ServiceInstanceID
,siebel.s_srv_req c -- CE Implementation
,siebel.s_user d -- Owner
,siebel.s_user e -- GOC Owner
a.sr_area = 'GOC Acceptance' and a.sr_num='20130601-3-28'
and a.sr_stat_id in ('Open - GOC')
and a.x_service_instance_id = b.row_id
and c.x_service_instance_id = b.row_id
and c.sr_area = 'CE Implementation'
--and c.sr_stat_id not in ('Closed','Cancelled')
and c.owner_emp_id = d.row_id
and a.owner_emp_id = e.row_id