in my app I use ALAssetsLibrary to load access at photos in camera roll; The first time I start my app I see the classic message, if I want give the permission to access at the photo library or not.

But I want to test this situation in each case (allow and not allowed) but I'm not able show again this message; I tried to delete app, change number version, change bundle identifier, but nothing!

Every time I run my app it not show me this message and I have ever the permission to access in the library image; I want to test what happen if I select NO.

(I know that I can change this option in general settings, but in this case I control all in viewdidappear) I want to know what happen If I select no with that message, then is it possible show again that alert? thanks


2 回答 2





于 2014-01-24T11:56:29.367 回答

一旦用户允许或禁止您访问应用程序,该消息将永远不会再次显示,iOS 会保存此权限以不再打扰用户。

对于 iOS 模拟器,您可以重新设置以再次获取消息。

于 2014-01-24T10:57:44.410 回答