我终于发现 BS4 不再像 BS3 那样使用“标记按摩”。但是我仍然需要一种类似的方式来处理不需要的 document.write。您会在 BS3 中执行以下操作,但在 BS4 中如何执行?
# Javascript code in ths page generates HTML markup
# that isn't parsed correctly by BeautifulSoup.
# To avoid this problem, all document.write fragments are removed
my_massage = copy(BeautifulSoup.MARKUP_MASSAGE)
my_massage.append((re.compile(u"document.write(.+);"), lambda match: ""))
my_massage.append((re.compile(u'alt=".+">'), lambda match: ">"))
另外,由于 BS4 BeautifulSoup 构造函数不再支持 markupmassage 参数,我应该在我的程序中的哪个位置处理 document.write 问题?我假设这是问题所在,因为我只是想打印出表格标记,并且在运行 windmill 时遇到线程异常。
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Generated by the windmill services transformer
#from windmill.authoring import WindmillTestClient
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re, urlparse
from copy import copy
from windmill.authoring import setup_module, WindmillTestClient
from windmill.conf import global_settings
import sys
global_settings.START_CHROME = True # This makes it use Firefox
def get_table_info(client):
Parse HTML page and extract featured image name and link
# Get Javascript updated HTML page
response = client.commands.getPageText()
assert response['status']
assert response['result']
# Create soup from HTML page and get desired information
soup = BeautifulSoup(response['result'])
table_info = soup.select("#trades")
return table_info
def test_scrape():
Scrape site
# Open main gallery page
client = WindmillTestClient(__name__)
table_info = {}
table_info = get_table_info(client)
print table_info