We would like to use the TFS 2012 Code Review but ran into a snag where we need to compare the current version to the version from 3 changes ago (or compare it to the version in a different branch (e.g. Main or Release branch).

Does this type of compare along with adding comments/overall comments during the Code Review exist in TFS?

Is it possible to do that?


1 回答 1


今天只能对特定的变更集(或搁置集)进行代码审查。这意味着只有一次修订。如果您想按照您的建议进行操作,那么今天唯一的方法是启动 3 次代码审查,针对 3 个变更集中的每一个进行一次审查。

我们(TFS MVP)一段时间以来一直在向 Microsoft 提出要求,即能够同时对许多变更集进行代码审查(这实际上是您所要求的)。

有一个包含多变更集审查和其他代码审查相关功能的用户语音建议,去投票吧:http: //visualstudio.uservoice.com/forums/121579-visual-studio/suggestions/2670048-make -代码审查功能可用

于 2014-01-23T22:42:41.407 回答