I have to create an Image slider for which I am using:

"Galleriffic plugin > http://www.twospy.com/galleriffic/",

in the Image slider, along with images, I have to show PDFs for some cases.

And to show that, I am putting the <div> which embeds PDF inside "<div class="caption">" where you can show the description related to the image.

For the Slider with PDF, you can see the full code here: http://jsfiddle.net/Z99gr/2/

I am trying to embed the PDF using <object> or <embed> tag, It works fine in Chrome and Firefox. BUT not in IE11.

I am not able to understand what is missing as I have create one more fiddle with just one div which embeds the PDF and its works fine in all three browser, Chrome, Firefox and IE11.


Please look into the issue and suggest ASAP what am I missing for IE 11.


Restricted access to subpages using age verification

Hi this is my first time trying to do this and I dont know where to start. I'm trying to make simple Yes or No age verification to my .aspx page which includes sub-pages. I want it to be so, that you need to press Yes before you can continue to subpages and if you try to type it like http://www.page.com/ageverification/subpage.aspx you are automatically redirected to ageverification page. Any examples are welcome cause I'm new in to this. Thank you for your time!


3 回答 3


I was now able to embed the PDF file IE using "<iframe>" tag.

I replaced "<object>" and "<embed>" tag with <iframe> and its working fine now with all 3 browsers, Firefox, Chrome and IE.

There are 2 ways of embedding PDF in IE.

1st way: Call PDF directly in <iframe>

Below is the updated code:

<div id="pdf">
   <iframe src="https://www.adobe.com/products/pdfjobready/pdfs/pdftraag.pdf" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" frameborder="0" scrolling="no">
        <p>It appears your web browser doesn't support iframes.</p>

2nd way: if the browser doesn't have PDF reader the u can call an HTML page in <iframe> which contains <object> tag .

Below is the code for 2nd option

    <div id="pdf">
          <iframe src="pdf.html" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" frameborder="0" scrolling="no">
               <p>It appears your web browser doesn't support iframes.</p>

Code for "pdf.html"

    <object data="lorem.pdf" type="application/pdf">
        <p>It appears you don't have Adobe Reader or PDF support in this web browser. <a href="lorem.pdf">Click here to download the PDF</a>. Or <a href="http://get.adobe.com/reader/" target="_blank">click here to install Adobe Reader</a>.</p>
       <embed src="lorem.pdf" type="application/pdf" />

This worked for me!!!

Here is the WORKING Fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/stmjvz4f/

Hope it will be helpful for others in future!

于 2014-01-28T21:34:44.957 回答

我建议检查 PDFObject,它是一个用于将 PDF 嵌入 HTML 文件的 Javascript 库。它很好地处理了浏览器的兼容性,并且很可能会一直工作到 IE8。

在您的 HTML 中,您可以设置一个 div 来显示 PDF:

<div id="pdfRenderer"></div>

然后,您可以使用 Javascript 代码在该 div 中嵌入 PDF:

var pdf = new PDFObject({
  url: "https://something.com/HTC_One_XL_User_Guide.pdf",
  id: "pdfRendered",
  pdfOpenParams: {
    view: "FitH"
于 2014-01-23T22:00:01.760 回答

不要在 <object> 中放置 'type' 属性,像这样在 <embed> 中放置:<object> 中的 type 属性导致 IE11 中的 Adob​​e Reader 出现权限错误。

<object data="mydocument.pdf">
<p><a href="mydocument.pdf">Download</a></p>
<embed type="application/pdf" src="mydocument.pdf" />

您不必将其放在 iframe 中。它可以显示控件,所以我认为它不会像预期的那样在滑块内工作。

于 2018-10-03T13:47:10.860 回答