我正在将许多电子商务站点集成到不同的银行中,并决定最简单的方法是添加到 dotnetcharge (www.dotnetcharge.com) 库中。它运行良好,意味着我可以为每种银行类型和交易保持大部分代码相同。但是,他们的支持有点糟糕(发送了 4 封电子邮件,1 封回复),我对 3D Secure 问题完全感到困惑。
有人有 dotnetcharge 和 3D Secure 的经验吗?我已经设置了 MerchantURL 并出现了实际的 3D 安全屏幕 - 但我不确定如何让系统正确“流动”。有没有人有任何代码示例甚至是正确方向的指针?如果做不到这一点,有谁知道如何让支持做出回应!
这种特殊的集成是与 SagePay 的,它也有糟糕的文档和支持。
Dim Amount As Decimal = ordertotal
' ApplySecure3D options:
' 0 = If 3D-Secure checks are possible and rules allow, perform the checks and apply the authorization rules.
' 1 = Force 3D-Secure checks for this transaction only (if your account is 3D-enabled) and apply rules for authorization.
' 2 = Do not perform 3D-Secure checks for this transaction only and always authorize.
' 3 = Force 3D-Secure checks for this transaction (if your account is 3D-enabled) but ALWAYS obtain an auth code, irrespective of rule base.
Dim ProtxLogin As String = "xxx"
Dim ProtxPassword As String = "xxx"
Dim ProtxApply3DSecure As Integer = 1
Dim ProtxMerchantURL As String = "https://www.mydomain.com/processing/"
Dim Number As String = txtCardNo.Text '//luhn/mod10 here.
Dim AVS As String = txtCVN.Text
Dim DD As String = "01"
Dim MM As String = ddlValidTo_month.SelectedValue.ToString()
Dim YY As String = ddlValidTo_year.SelectedValue.ToString()
Dim ProcessingResult As Integer = 0
Dim Protx As New dotnetCHARGE.CC()
Protx.Login = ProtxLogin
Protx.Password = ProtxPassword
Protx.ApplySecure3D = ProtxApply3DSecure
Protx.MerchantUrl = ProtxMerchantURL
Dim AVSResponse As String = ""
Dim CVV2 As String = ""
Protx.OrderID = GoogleOrderNumber
Protx.Month = MM
Protx.Year = YY
Protx.TransactionType = dotnetCHARGE.TransactionType.Sale
Protx.Amount = ordertotal
Protx.Number = Number
Protx.Currency = "GBP"
Protx.CustomerID = CustomerId
'//loads of params removed for brevity
Protx.ClientIP = Request.UserHostAddress.ToString()
Protx.CardType = ddlCardType.SelectedValue.ToString()
Protx.Description = "My Order"
Protx.Code = AVS
Protx.TestMode = True
Protx.TransactionType = dotnetCHARGE.TransactionType.Sale
ProcessingResult = Protx.Charge(Processor.Protx)