I have a working shadow map implementation for directional lights, where I construct the projection matrix using orthographic projection. My question is, how do I visualize the shadow map? I have the following shader I use for spot lights (which uses a perspective projection) but when I try to apply it to a shadow map that was made with an orthographic projection all I get is a completely black screen (even though the shadow mapping works when renderering the scene itself)
#version 430
layout(std140) uniform;
uniform UnifDepth
mat4 mWVPMatrix;
vec2 mScreenSize;
float mZNear;
float mZFar;
} UnifDepthPass;
layout (binding = 5) uniform sampler2D unifDepthTexture;
out vec4 fragColor;
void main()
vec2 texcoord = gl_FragCoord.xy / UnifDepthPass.mScreenSize;
float depthValue = texture(unifDepthTexture, texcoord).x;
depthValue = (2.0 * UnifDepthPass.mZNear) / (UnifDepthPass.mZFar + UnifDepthPass.mZNear - depthValue * (UnifDepthPass.mZFar - UnifDepthPass.mZNear));
fragColor = vec4(depthValue, depthValue, depthValue, 1.0);