I had generated a report .In one of columns i need to change the names of rows in that column. In first row clumnA clumnB

Value 78

grade 85

But i need to change in report to get output like.I need to rename value and grade

clumnA clumnb

Number 78

Percent 78

Note i dont want make any changes in Stored Proc

Note:To get value i am using expression below

=Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.IIF(Fields!Rating.Value = 3, Fields!Measurement.Value, Nothing)

My Answer is

  =Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.IIF(Fields!Rating.Value = 3, "Number", Nothing)

1 回答 1



=SWITCH(Fields!Rating.Value = 3, "Number", Fields!Rating.Value = 4, "Percent", True, Fields!ColumnA.Value)

请注意,我True在 SWITCH 函数的末尾使用来模拟Else- 也就是说,如果前面的条件都不成立,True则将返回 for 的值,因此我们得到ColumnA除了Rating3 或 4 之外的任何内容。

于 2014-01-23T21:18:19.763 回答