In Outlook 2013 there is an option to import an OPML file and add all or some selected RSS feeds to the feeds list. This function can be triggered by right-clicking on the "RSS feeds" folder in "Mail" view and selecting "Import an OPML File...". Then an import assistant appears, asking for a file name. In the next step you can select one/several/all feeds found in the file and import them in the last step. I want to automate this list of steps because I am in a situation that certain new feeds (provided by Gitweb) can appear every day.

Furthermore, I want to automate deleting certain feeds.

Can anybody explain how to do this in VBA?


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  1. 以编程方式创建一个新的 RSS 源,方法是在收件箱文件夹中直接创建一条消息类别为 IPM.Sharing.Index.In 的隐藏消息,并在目标 RSS 文件夹中创建另一条隐藏消息(如果您转到有问题的文件夹,单击 OutlookSpy 功能区上的 IMAPIFolder 按钮,然后转到“关联内容”选项卡。)

  2. 使用 Redemption 及其RDORssFeedsRDORssFeed对象 - 这些对象将允许在 Outlook 中添加、修改和删除 RSS 源。

于 2014-01-23T16:54:11.767 回答