I have configured my first application in Windows Azure Active Directory and everything works fine: I can login using accounts in my directory.

However, I'm not entirely clear on all the concepts yet, especially the sign-on url. The tooltip says:

The URL where users can sign in and use your app. You can change this later.

But users sign in somewhere on login.windows.net and furthermore, it doesn't matter what I enter here, authentication keeps working. So what is this 'sign-on url'?

Azure management portal screenshot


4 回答 4


如果您访问http://aka.ms/myapps,您会发现一长串可以访问您帐户的应用程序。如果您单击这些应用程序,您应该会被重定向到可以初始化登录过程的主页。但是,如果应用程序未signInUrl在其清单中声明 a,您将收到一条错误消息,指出应用程序配置错误

something went wrong...
You cannot access this application because it has been misconfigured. Contact your IT department and include the following information:
Undefined Sign-On URL for application "BlahBlahBlah"

在新的 Azure 门户 UI 中,“登录 URL”现在称为“主页 URL”,您可以在应用注册配置中的品牌下找到它。

于 2019-10-09T01:03:05.040 回答

我明白为什么这可能会令人困惑。我认为您可以将其视为整个登录过程开始的 URL(即您的应用程序的 URL,如果他们未登录,则会将其发送到 login.windows.net)。


于 2014-01-22T18:19:52.057 回答

在我看来,当用户注销并重定向到 Active Directory 登录页面时,它对 wsFederation 领域值具有重要意义。

于 2014-01-31T15:54:38.880 回答

当您将应用程序添加到 azure ad 时,它会为您提供客户端 ID 和密钥。当你在 MVC webappp 中使用它时,你会看到 web.config 中有一个类似下面的条目:

      <cookieHandler requireSsl="true" />
      <wsFederation passiveRedirectEnabled="true" issuer="https://login.windows.net/{some guid}/wsfed" realm="https://localhost:44304/" requireHttps="true" />

将用户的值复制到登录 url。

于 2014-08-15T21:00:12.060 回答