I'm having an Inventory cube with a dimension of "DimForecast". Related report is created by SSRS report builder and published to sharepoint.

End user wants to have what-if analysis so that they could edit Forecast Value directly from user interface (currently, ssrs report) and see how it will influence inventory stock.

Also, once their browser's session is expired (e.g. refresh webpage), all data will be converted back to original ones, which are pulled from Data Warehouse to cube.

Is there any possible work around for this functionality? "Power view" can do similar job but it's only available in Excel. However, for this case we have to use report builder, which is designed neither to user-interaction nor to session-based processing.


1 回答 1


您描述的场景中唯一可能的输入是一个参数,例如“预测值”。您需要对 SSRS 表达式进行编码以接受“预测值”参数并在 SSRS 表达式中使用它来派生报表上的返回数据。

“预测值”参数的默认值 0 可用于有效地将数据“重置”回原始值。

这似乎是在说明显而易见的问题,但 SharePoint 中的 SSRS 对于“假设分析”要求来说似乎是一个非常糟糕的选择。

于 2014-01-28T06:50:40.957 回答