Having problem with the code below in a web service. Have searched for a solution but nothing that I have seen seems different to what I am doing below.
NB: The string variable 'AccountNo' is a passed into a function which includes the code below.
The error is generated on the last line of code - ExecuteReader.
Dim sConnString As String
Dim rdr As OleDbDataReader
Dim orderPaid As Decimal
Dim fbeused As Decimal
sConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source='c:\orders.mdb'"
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection(sConnString)
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
sb.Append("SELECT DISTINCTROW OrderHeaders.Accountno, Sum(([paidqty]*[unitprice])*[orderheaders].[entpercent]/100) AS orderpaid, Sum([freeqty]*[unitprice]) AS fbeused")
sb.Append(" FROM OrderHeaders INNER JOIN OrderDetails ON OrderHeaders.[OrderNo] = OrderDetails.[OrderNo]")
sb.Append(" GROUP BY OrderHeaders.Accountno HAVING OrderHeaders.Accountno=?")
Dim sqlString As String = sb.ToString
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(sqlString, conn)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
'cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("AccNo", AccountNo)
cmd.Parameters.Add("AccNo", OleDbType.VarWChar).Value = AccountNo
rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
The error I get is (as mentioned above)
Parameter ?_1 has no default value