您没有指定您正在使用的 .Net / C# 版本,因此我将针对每个 C# 版本进行处理:v1、v2 和 v3。
C# V1:
class CountValueComparer : IComparer
public int Compare(object x, object y)
DictionaryEntry left = (DictionaryEntry)x;
DictionaryEntry right = (DictionaryEntry)y;
return ((int)left.Value).CompareTo((int)right.Value);
Hashtable counts = new Hashtable();
foreach(String value in arrName)
if (counts.ContainsKey(value))
int valueCount = (int)counts[value];
counts[value] = valueCount;
counts[value] = 1;
DictionaryEntry[] sorted = new DictionaryEntry[counts.Count];
counts.CopyTo(sorted, 0);
Array.Sort(sorted, new CountValueComparer());
foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in sorted)
Console.Writeline("Name: {0}; Count: {1}", entry.Key, entry.Value);
C# V2:
class CountValueComparer : IComparer<KeyValuePair<String, int>>
public int Compare(int x, int y)
return x.Value.CompareTo(y.Value);
// if v2, use the List<T> class!
List<String> arrName = new List<String>();
// etc...
Dictionary<String, int> counts = new Dictionary<String, int>();
foreach(String value in arrName)
int count;
if (counts.TryGetValue(value, out count))
counts[value] = ++count;
counts[value] = 1;
KeyValuePair<String, int>[] sorted = new KeyValuePair<String, int>[counts.Count];
counts.CopyTo(sorted, 0);
Array.Sort(sorted, new CountValueComparer());
C# V3:
// if v3, use the List<T> class!
var arrName = new List<String>();
// etc...
var counts = (from n in arrName
group n by n into g
select new { Name = g.Key, Count = g.Count() })
.OrderByDescending(x => x.Count);
var top = counts.FirstOrDefault();
Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}; Count: {1}", top.Name, top.Count);