In an embedded application, I'd like to create a helper class which holds a list of pointer-to-member-functions of a certain class, where the helper class calls the member functions in succession. At the moment, I'm having troubles with the definition statement of the static array which holds the pointers. This is the code:

template<class C, class F>
struct FunctionSequence;

template<class C, class R, class... Args>
struct FunctionSequence<C, R(Args...)>
    typedef R(C::*PointerToMember)(Args...);

    template<PointerToMember... F>
    struct Type
        static const PointerToMember f[sizeof...(F)];

template<class C, class R, class... Args>
template<typename FunctionSequence<C, R(Args...)>::PointerToMember... F>
const typename FunctionSequence<C, R(Args...)>::PointerToMember
    FunctionSequence<C, R(Args...)>::Type<typename FunctionSequence<C, R(Args...)>::PointerToMember... F>::f[sizeof...(F)]
        = { F... };

struct Test
    void m1(int) {}
    void m2(int) {}

    FunctionSequence<Test, void(int)>::Type<&Test::m1, &Test::m2> fs;

Both Visual Studio 2013 and GCC 4.7.3 give errors on this line, where I'm trying to define the f variable, and initialize it with a list of the member function pointers:

FunctionSequence<C, R(Args...)>::Type<typename FunctionSequence<C, R(Args...)>::PointerToMember... F>::f[sizeof...(F)]

GCC gives the following errors:

expansion pattern 'typename FunctionSequence<C, R(Args ...)>::PointerToMember' contains no argument packs
too many template-parameter-lists

Visual Studio gives the following errors:

error C3546: '...' : there are no parameter packs available to expand
error C2146: syntax error : missing ',' before identifier 'F'
error C3545: 'F': parameter pack expects a non-type template argument

Moreover, Visual Studio gives an additional error one line later:

error C3855: 'FunctionSequence<C,R(Args...)>::Type<F...>': template parameter 'F' is incompatible with the declaration

Is it even possible what I am trying to do? Is my code wrong, and is it fixable?


2 回答 2


将@dyp 评论变成答案:

不要typename outer<T>::type V用作模板参数。


template<class C, class R, class... Args>
const typename FunctionSequence<C, R(Args...)>::PointerToMember
    FunctionSequence<C, R(Args...)>::Type<F...>::f[sizeof...(F)]
        = { F... };
于 2014-01-21T13:09:06.160 回答

如果您可以在 C++11 中简单地执行此操作,您为什么要尝试在课堂之外对其进行初始化?

template<class C, class R, class... Args>
struct FunctionSequence<C, R(Args...)>
    typedef R(C::*PointerToMember)(Args...);

    template<PointerToMember... F>
    struct Type
        static constexpr PointerToMember f[sizeof...(F)] = {F...};
于 2014-01-21T09:44:36.937 回答