DI 0.0.34使用注释获得了对此用例的特殊支持
我还添加了一个示例,现在如何将原语与 DI 一起使用。(不确定这是否很有用)
import 'package:di/di.dart';
import 'package:di/dynamic_injector.dart';
* Annotation used to mark classes for which static type factory must be
* generated. For testing purposes not all classes are marked with this
* annotation, some classes are included in @Injectables at the top.
class Injectable {
const Injectable();
* Some dummy WebSocket class (just for demonstration)
class WebSocket {
String url;
* Allows to mark an injectable as 'one'
class One {
const One();
* Allows to mark an injectable as 'two'
class Two {
const Two();
* A class that implements updates.
* It needs a websocket marked as 'one'
class Updates {
WebSocket ws;
Updates(@One() this.ws);
* A class that implements chats.
* It needs a websocket marked as 'two'
class Chat {
WebSocket ws;
Chat(@Two() this.ws);
* The application module
class AppModule extends Module {
AppModule() {
value(String, 'http://www.google.com', withAnnotation: AjaxUrl);
value(int, 8080, withAnnotation: ServerPort);
value(int, 1000);
factory(WebSocket, (Injector i) => new WebSocket('ws://game.example.com:12010/updates'), withAnnotation: One);
factory(WebSocket, (Injector i) => new WebSocket('ws://chat.example.com/games'), withAnnotation: Two);
Injector _injector;
Injector get injector {
if (_injector == null) {
_injector = new DynamicInjector(modules: [this]);
// Static injector => comment in and comment out above
// _injector = new StaticInjector(modules: [this],
// typeFactories: type_factories_gen.typeFactories);
return _injector;
* Allows to mark a String as ajax url
* Just to demonstrate how to use primitive types with DI
class AjaxUrl {
const AjaxUrl();
* Allows to mark an int as server port
* Just to demonstrate how to use primitive types with DI
class ServerPort {
const ServerPort();
void main(List<String> args) {
var module = new AppModule();
print('AjaxUrl: ${module.injector.get(String, AjaxUrl)}');
print('ServerPort: ${module.injector.get(int, ServerPort)}');
// primitives without annotation are not supported and throw an exception
// print('int: ${module.injector.get(int)}');
print('Chat: ${module.injector.get(Chat).ws.url}');
print('Updates: ${module.injector.get(Updates).ws.url}');