djangoappengine.views.warmup does its job of loading all Django apps when GAE sends a warmup request. If GAE does not send a warmup request, either due to request spike or because warmup service is not enabled, then when does INSTALLED_APPS get imported? I see that djangoappengine.deferred.handler.application loads all INSTALLED_APPS, but djangoappengine.main.application does not.
The problem I'm having is that if there is no warmup request, then either that first loading request handler or subsequent request handler may need a nonrel-search model field which is not yet registered, because search was not imported via INSTALLED_APPS and thus autodiscover() did not yet run.
My settings MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES does have 'autoload.middleware.AutoloadMiddleware', so I would think that it could load that way without warmup, but it's not.
What is the solution to make sure everything is loaded before handling any requests?