Here is the code where I'm having an issue:
-- * Universe of Terms * --
type Id = String
data Term a where
Var :: Id -> Term a
Lam :: Id -> Type -> Term b -> Term (a :-> b)
App :: Term (a :-> b) -> Term a -> Term b
Let :: Id -> Term a -> Term b -> Term b
Tup :: Term a -> Term b -> Term (a :*: b) -- * existing tuple
Lft :: Term a -> Term (a :+: b) -- * existing sum
Rgt :: Term b -> Term (a :+: b)
Tru :: Term Boolean
Fls :: Term Boolean
Bot :: Term Unit
-- * Universe of Types * --
data Type = Type :-> Type | Type :*: Type | Type :+: Type | Boolean | Unit
So I want to extend Tup
to be defined over arbitrarily many arguments, same with sum. But a formulation involving lists would constrain the the final Term to one type of a:
Sum :: [Term a] -> Term a
I could just get rid of the a
and do something like:
Sum :: [Term] -> Term
But then I lose the very things I'm trying to express.
So how do I express some polymorphic Term without loss of expressiveness?