我希望能够从类路径之外的自定义位置加载 javahelp 内容。此位置可能会在应用程序的生命周期内发生变化,并且可能位于共享网络设备上。
不幸的是,HelpSet 类需要一个类加载器,所以我猜我的帮助集文件必须在类路径中,还是有其他方法?提前致谢。
这应该可以通过创建和使用您自己的 ClassLoader 来实现。您想要使用的最有可能的候选 ClassLoader 是URLClassLoader。
JHelp helpViewer = null;
try {
// Get the classloader of this class.
ClassLoader cl = JavaHelpTest.class.getClassLoader();
// Use the findHelpSet method of HelpSet to create a URL referencing the helpset file.
// Note that in this example the location of the helpset is implied as being in the same
// directory as the program by specifying "jhelpset.hs" without any directory prefix,
// this should be adjusted to suit the implementation.
URL url = HelpSet.findHelpSet(cl, "jhelpset.hs");
// Create a new JHelp object with a new HelpSet.
helpViewer = new JHelp(new HelpSet(cl, url));
您需要根据共享目录更改获取 ClassLoader 的行,而不是基于系统类路径的行。所以是这样的:
JHelp helpViewer = null;
try {
// Get the class loader of the shared directory. Note that directories are
// required to have a trailing '/' or '\'.
ClassLoader cl = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] {new URL("file:///path/to/share/")});
// Use the findHelpSet method of HelpSet to create a URL referencing the helpset file.
// Note that in this example the location of the helpset is implied as being in the same
// directory as the program by specifying "jhelpset.hs" without any directory prefix,
// this should be adjusted to suit the implementation.
URL url = HelpSet.findHelpSet(cl, "jhelpset.hs");
// Create a new JHelp object with a new HelpSet.
helpViewer = new JHelp(new HelpSet(cl, url));