我正在尝试在 Rails 3.2.16 项目中使用带有 rspec 和防护的 spring。
安装 spring 和 spring-commands-rspec 后,我创建了 binstubs:
> bundle exec spring binstub --all
* bin/rake: spring inserted
* bin/rspec: spring inserted
* bin/rails: spring inserted
现在尝试使用 spring 运行规范失败(gems 路径和项目路径替换为易读性):
> bin/rspec spec/
Version: 1.1.0
Usage: spring COMMAND [ARGS]
Commands for spring itself:
binstub Generate spring based binstubs. Use --all to generate a binstub for all known commands.
help Print available commands.
status Show current status.
stop Stop all spring processes for this project.
Commands for your application:
rails Run a rails command. The following sub commands will use spring: console, runner, generate, destroy.
rake Runs the rake command
rspec Runs the rspec command
rspec binstub
No DRb server is running. Running in local process instead ...
gemspath/rspec-core-2.14.7/lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb:896:in `load': cannot load such file -- [PROJECT_PATH]/rspec (LoadError)
from gemspath/rspec-core-2.14.7/lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb:896:in `block in load_spec_files'
from gemspath/rspec-core-2.14.7/lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb:896:in `each'
from gemspath/rspec-core-2.14.7/lib/rspec/core/configuration.rb:896:in `load_spec_files'
from gemspath/rspec-core-2.14.7/lib/rspec/core/command_line.rb:22:in `run'
from gemspath/rspec-core-2.14.7/lib/rspec/core/runner.rb:77:in `rescue in run'
from gemspath/rspec-core-2.14.7/lib/rspec/core/runner.rb:73:in `run'
from gemspath/rspec-core-2.14.7/lib/rspec/core/runner.rb:17:in `block in autorun'
> spring rspec
> spring rspec spec/
这是 rspec binstub (bin/rspec) :
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
load File.expand_path("../spring", __FILE__)
rescue LoadError
require 'bundler/setup'
load Gem.bin_path('rspec', 'rspec')
任何想法 ?