I have a view and customize it with a template named views-view--myviewname--page.tpl.php. My problem is that exposed filters doesn't showing when loading the page. But in preview in view editing screen showing as expected. Is there a solution about this issue?

Thanks in advance


1 回答 1

  1. 确保在模板文件的某处打印 $exposed。在默认模板文件 ( https://api.drupal.org/api/views/theme!views-view.tpl.php/7 ) 中,这是使用以下 PHP 代码完成的:

  2. 在您的视图的高级设置中,确保您已将“块中的公开表单”设置为“否”,如此屏幕截图http://cl.ly/image/1A3A3h0k3437所示。

于 2014-01-21T10:38:08.623 回答