There is a bash script to build a Mac OS X .app bundle from an application written in Go that works by extracting the necessary libraries, resources, etc. from a Homebrew installation and tweaking the libraries. I'm happy adding MacPorts support, but..

Aren't there easier ways to do this, like using Xcode projects or whatever? Is there an analog of py2app for go? What should I know about using outside libraries in .app bundles?


1 回答 1


如果我理解正确,您想将 Go 二进制文件打包为 OS X.app文件。嗯,是的,你可以做到。看看Makefile我的cocoa-go项目。实际上,构建.app起来相当容易。另外,我可以推荐一篇关于 bundle 的 Developer Library 文章——Bundle Programming Guide

于 2014-01-20T11:14:18.410 回答