真的是。事实上,我有一个非常巧妙的技巧可以为 SQL 管理单元执行此操作。代码的第一块是一个函数,它将从一个模块位置为您创建一个模块清单。它仍然会提示您(就像 New-ModuleManifest cmdlet 一样)一些必需的参数,例如描述。它查找任何类型和格式文件,以及任何 .dll 的命名为.ps .dll(大多数管理单元都遵循此约定),然后它创建一个包装原始模块的模块清单。第二块代码专门针对 SQL PSSnapin 执行此操作。
function New-ModuleManifestFromSnapIn {
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact='Medium')]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
# The location in the filesystem where the V1 snapin resides
process {
$types = Get-ChildItem $originalPath -Filter *.types.ps1xml
$formats = Get-ChildItem $originalPath -Filter *.format.ps1xml
$dlls = Get-ChildItem $originalPath -Filter *.ps*.dll
$null = $psBoundParameters.Remove("OriginalPath")
$psBoundParameters += @{
VariablesToExport = "*"
FunctionsToExport = "*"
AliasesToExport = "*"
CmdletsToExport = "*"
FileList = @()
RequiredAssemblies = @()
ModuleToProcess = ""
NestedModules = @($dlls | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName)
TypesToProcess = @($types | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName)
FormatsToProcess = @($formats | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName)
New-ModuleManifest @psBoundParameters
此块将显示通过指向工具@SQL 创建清单。
$basePath = $env:SqlSamplesSourceDataPath | Split-Path
if (${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}) {
$basePath = $basePath.Replace($env:ProgramFiles, ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)})
$path = Join-Path $basePath "Binn"
$basicMetaData = @{
Author = "Microsoft Corporation"
Description = "A Manifest to enable using the SQL PowerShell snapin in V2"
CompanyName = "Microsoft Corporation"
Copyright = (Get-Date).Year
New-ModuleManifestFromSnapin -Path $psScriptRoot\Sql.psd1 -OriginalPath $path @BasicMetaData
最后一个块会将任何名为当前区域性的文件(即 SQL\en-us)复制到模块目录中,这将使 Get-Help 对 cmdlet 起作用。
$Culture = Get-Culture
$CultureList = "$path\$culture",
(Join-Path $path $culture.ThreeLetterIsoLanguageName),
(Join-Path $path $culture.TwoLetterIsoLanguageName)
$CultureDirectory = Get-Item $CultureList -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
Select-Object -First 1
if ($CultureDirectory) {
$localDir = Join-Path $psScriptRoot (Split-Path $CultureDirectory -Leaf)
$item = Get-Item $localDir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($item) {
Remove-Item $item -Recurse -Force
Copy-Item $CultureDirectory $LocalDir -Recurse