我刚刚下载并安装了 ember 应用程序包。我已经让它运行起来,并且正在使用 express 按照包含的说明来伪造后端。
我还安装了 Karma 并尝试将它与 express 后端一起运行测试。我不相信 express 应用程序正在启动,因为当我查看 Karma 的输出时,我看到它试图执行 GET 请求并失败。
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
不过,当我点击开发端口(8000)时,Json 会返回。
我如何告诉 Karma 在端口 9876 上启动 express 应用程序进行测试?
我正在使用来自ember-app-kit-todos存储库的 karma.conf.js
这是我的 Gruntfile.js。我还从 todos repo 中获取了一些信息:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// To support Coffeescript, SASS, LESS and others, just install
// the appropriate grunt package and it will be automatically included
// in the build process:
// * for Coffeescript, run `npm install --save-dev grunt-contrib-coffee`
// * for SCSS (without SASS), run `npm install --save-dev grunt-sass`
// * for SCSS/SASS support (may be slower), run
// `npm install --save-dev grunt-contrib-sass`
// This depends on the ruby sass gem, which can be installed with
// `gem install sass`
// * for Compass, run `npm install --save-dev grunt-contrib-compass`
// This depends on the ruby compass gem, which can be installed with
// `gem install compass`
// You should not install SASS if you have installed Compass.
// * for LESS, run `npm install --save-dev grunt-contrib-less`
// * for Stylus/Nib, `npm install --save-dev grunt-contrib-stylus`
// * for Emblem, run the following commands:
// `npm uninstall --save-dev grunt-ember-templates`
// `npm install --save-dev grunt-emblem`
// `bower install emblem.js --save`
// * For EmberScript, run `npm install --save-dev grunt-ember-script`
// * for LiveReload, `npm install --save-dev connect-livereload`
// * for displaying the execution time of the grunt tasks,
// `npm install --save-dev time-grunt`
// * for minimizing the index.html at the end of the dist task
// `npm install --save-dev grunt-contrib-htmlmin`
// * for minimizing images in the dist task
// `npm install --save-dev grunt-contrib-imagemin`
// * for using images based CSS sprites (http://youtu.be/xD8DW6IQ6r0)
// `npm install --save-dev grunt-fancy-sprites`
// `bower install --save fancy-sprites-scss`
// * for automatically adding CSS vendor prefixes (autoprefixer)
// `npm install --save-dev grunt-autoprefixer`
var Helpers = require('./tasks/helpers'),
filterAvailable = Helpers.filterAvailableTasks,
_ = grunt.util._,
path = require('path');
Helpers.pkg = require("./package.json");
if (Helpers.isPackageAvailable("time-grunt")) {
// Loads task options from `tasks/options/` and `tasks/custom-options`
// and loads tasks defined in `package.json`
var config = _.extend({},
require('load-grunt-config')(grunt, {
configPath: path.join(__dirname, 'tasks/options'),
loadGruntTasks: false,
init: false
require('load-grunt-config')(grunt, { // Custom options have precedence
configPath: path.join(__dirname, 'tasks/custom-options'),
init: false
grunt.loadTasks('tasks'); // Loads tasks in `tasks/` folder
config.env = process.env;
// App Kit's Main Tasks
// ====================
// Generate the production version
// ------------------
grunt.registerTask('dist', "Build a minified & production-ready version of your app.", [
// Default Task
// ------------------
grunt.registerTask('default', "Build (in debug mode) & test your application.", ['test']);
// Servers
// -------------------
grunt.registerTask('server', "Run your server in development mode, auto-rebuilding when files change.", function(proxyMethod) {
var expressServerTask = 'expressServer:debug';
if (proxyMethod) {
expressServerTask += ':' + proxyMethod;
grunt.registerTask('server:dist', "Build and preview a minified & production-ready version of your app.", [
// Testing
// -------
grunt.registerTask('test', "Run your apps's tests once. Uses Google Chrome by default.", [
'clean:debug', 'build:debug', 'karma:test' ]);
grunt.registerTask('test:ci', "Run your app's tests in PhantomJS. For use in continuous integration (i.e. Travis CI).", [
'clean:debug', 'build:debug', 'karma:ci' ]);
grunt.registerTask('test:browsers', "Run your app's tests in multiple browsers (see tasks/options/testem.js for configuration).", [
'clean:debug', 'build:debug', 'karma:browsers' ]);
grunt.registerTask('test:server', "Start a Karma test server and the standard development server.", function(proxyMethod) {
var expressServerTask = 'expressServer:debug';
if (proxyMethod) {
expressServerTask += ':' + proxyMethod;
// Worker tasks
// =================================
grunt.registerTask('build:dist', filterAvailable([
'createResultDirectory', // Create directoy beforehand, fixes race condition
'concurrent:buildDist', // Executed in parallel, see config below
grunt.registerTask('build:debug', filterAvailable([
'createResultDirectory', // Create directoy beforehand, fixes race condition
'concurrent:buildDebug', // Executed in parallel, see config below
grunt.registerTask('createDistVersion', filterAvailable([
'useminPrepare', // Configures concat, cssmin and uglify
'concat', // Combines css and javascript files
'cssmin', // Minifies css
'uglify', // Minifies javascript
'imagemin', // Optimizes image compression
// 'svgmin',
'copy:dist', // Copies files not covered by concat and imagemin
'rev', // Appends 8 char hash value to filenames
'usemin', // Replaces file references
'htmlmin:dist' // Removes comments and whitespace
// Parallelize most of the build process
_.merge(config, {
concurrent: {
buildDist: [
buildDebug: [
// Templates
grunt.registerTask('buildTemplates:dist', filterAvailable([
grunt.registerTask('buildTemplates:debug', filterAvailable([
// Scripts
grunt.registerTask('buildScripts', filterAvailable([
// Styles
grunt.registerTask('buildStyles', filterAvailable([
// Index HTML
grunt.registerTask('buildIndexHTML:dist', [
grunt.registerTask('buildIndexHTML:debug', [
// Appends `karma:server:run` to every watch target's tasks array
grunt.registerTask('addKarmaToWatchTask', function() {
_.forIn(grunt.config('watch'), function(config, key) {
if (key === 'options') { return; }
grunt.config('watch.' + key, config);
grunt.registerTask('createResultDirectory', function() {
我对 EAK 和 Karma 很陌生。任何帮助将不胜感激。