Is there a way to make the thumbnail images different from the fullsize images on a gallery using SlideJS plugin?
We also didn't found anything on the documentation and solved it the following way:
Create a custom attribute on the HTML of the thumbnails gallery:
<div id="thumbnails"> <img src="/path/to/thumbnail.jpg" fullsize="/path/to/fullsize.jpg" /> <img src="/path/to/thumbnail.jpg" fullsize="/path/to/fullsize.jpg" /> <img src="/path/to/thumbnail.jpg" fullsize="/path/to/fullsize.jpg" /> [...] </div> <div id="slideshow"></div>
When some thumbnail gets clicked, make a copy of the thumbnails div HTML, switch the attribute values and set the slideshow:
$('#thumbnails img').click(function() { // Get a copy of element instance of thumbnails div var thumbnails = $(this).parent(); // On that copy, switch "img" attribute with "fullsize" attribute of each image // and remove "fullsize" attribute for cleanliness thumbnails.children('img').each(function() { $(this).children().first().attr('src', $(this).children().first().attr('fullsize')); $(this).children().first().removeAttr('fullsize'); }); // Set the switched HTML to the div that will hold the slideshow $('#slideshow').html(thumbnails.html()); // Set the slideshow $('#slideshow').slides({ start: 1, preload: true, generateNextPrev: true, generatePagination: false, effect: 'fade' }); });