字体在 PHP 中提出了解决方案。使用此代码,您的印地语文本将正确显示在您的图像文件上。
$text = "की एक विधा" ;
$words = explode(" ", $text);
for($k = 0; $k < count($words); $k++){
// detect if the string was passed in as unicode
$text_encoding = mb_detect_encoding($words[$k], 'UTF-8, ISO-8859-1');
// make sure it's in unicode
if ($text_encoding != 'UTF-8') {
$words[$k] = mb_convert_encoding($words[$k], 'UTF-8', $text_encoding);
// html numerically-escape everything (&#[dec];)
$words[$k] = mb_encode_numericentity($words[$k], array (0x0, 0xffff, 0, 0xffff), 'UTF-8');
$arr = explode("&#", $words[$k]);
for ($i = 0; $i < (count($arr)-1); $i++){
// interchange the order of "i" vowel
if($arr[$i] == "2367;") {
$arr[$i] = $arr[$i-1] . '';
$arr[$i-1] = "2367;";
// letter "I" + Nukta forms letter vocalic "L"
if($arr[$i] == "2311;") {
if($arr[$i+1] == "2364;") {
$arr[$i] = "2316;";
$arr[$i+1] = '';
// vowel sign vocalic "R" + sign Nukta forms vowel sign vocalic "Rr"
if($arr[$i] == "2371;") {
if($arr[$i+1] == "2364;") {
$arr[$i] = "2372;";
$arr[$i+1] = '';
// Candrabindu + sign Nukta forms Om
if($arr[$i] == "2305;") {
if($arr[$i+1] == "2364;") {
$arr[$i] = "2384;";
$arr[$i+1] = '';
// letter vocalic "R" + sign Nukta forms letter vocalic "Rr"
if($arr[$i] == "2315;") {
if($arr[$i+1] == "2364;") {
$arr[$i] = "2400;";
$arr[$i+1] = '';
// letter "Ii" + sign Nukta forms letter vocalic "LI"
if($arr[$i] == "2312;") {
if($arr[$i+1] == "2364;") {
$arr[$i] = "2401;";
$arr[$i+1] = '';
// vowel sign "I" + sign Nukta forms vowel sign vocalic "L"
if($arr[$i] == "2367;") {
if($arr[$i+1] == "2364;") {
$arr[$i] = "2402;";
$arr[$i+1] = '';
// vowel sign "Ii" + sign Nukta forms vowel sign vocalic "LI"
if($arr[$i] == "2368;") {
if($arr[$i+1] == "2364;") {
$arr[$i] = "2403;";
$arr[$i+1] = '';
// Danda + sign Nukta forms sign Avagraha
if($arr[$i] == "2404;") {
if($arr[$i+1] == "2364;") {
$arr[$i] = "2365;";
$arr[$i+1] = '';
// consonant + Halant + Halant + consonant forms consonant + Halant + ZWNJ + consonant
if($arr[$i] == "2381;") {
if($arr[$i+1] == "2381;") {
//$arr[$i+1] = '8204;';
// consonant + Halant + Nukta + consonant forms consonant + Halant + ZWJ + Consonant
if($arr[$i] == "2364;") {
if($arr[$i+1] == "2381;") {
//$arr[$i] = "2381;";
//$arr[$i+1] = '8205;';
$words[$k] = implode('&#',$arr);
$text = implode(" ", $words);
$img_name = date('dmyhms');
$image = $img_name.'.png';
/*** create image ***/
$im = @imagecreatefrompng($imagefile);
/*** create the text color ***/
$text_color = imagecolorallocate($im, 40, 50, 99);
/*** set the font file ***/
$font_file = 'mangal.ttf';
// Convert HTML entities into ISO-8859-1
// $text = html_entity_decode($text,ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
/*** splatter the image with text ***/
imagefttext($im, 14,0,450, 390, $text_color, $font_file, $text);
// Save the picture
/*** if the file does not exist we will create our own image ***/
/*** Create a black image ***/
$im = imagecreatetruecolor(150, 30); /* Create a black image */
/*** the background color ***/
$bgc = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
/*** the text color ***/
$tc = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
/*** a little rectangle ***/
imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, 150, 30, $bgc);
/*** output and error message ***/
imagestring($im, 1, 5, 5, "Error loading $imagefile", $tc);