我正在从 JS 领域转移到 php 和 Ajax。我过去曾涉足过一些 PHP。我非常感谢 stackoverflow 在帮助我解决基本问题方面提供了多少帮助。
我将以下 JS 用于 Ajax。其中一些只是伪代码。
var request = false;
try {
request = new XMLHttpRequest();
} catch (trymicrosoft) {
try {
request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
} catch (othermicrosoft) {
try {
request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} catch (failed) {
request = false;
if (!request)
alert("Error initializing XMLHttpRequest!");
function getAjaxInfo(<name of the php function???>) { //<<<<< this is the function I need help with
var myFunction= nameOfPHPfunctionIJustGot;
var url = "filename.php?func=" + myFunction;
request.open("GET", url, true);
request.onreadystatechange = updatePage;
function updatePage() {
if (request.readyState == 4) {
if (request.status == 200) {
var response = request.responseText;
document.getElementById("divName").innerHTML = response; //probably going to use Jquery append here, but this example works.
} else
alert("status is " + request.status);
我有我的 fileName.php 文件:
function header() { ?>
header content goes here
<?php }
function footer() { ?>
footer content goes here
<?php }
,我可以提取任何我想要的 PHP 函数。