Okay, so you're using WebDriver and your test suite is a set of instructions (in what language do you have it stored now?) for the browser to execute (go to page X, click button Y, etc.).
Those are not unit tests but integration tests. They require bindings with the browser and/or the ability to execute code on the target computer. They can't be executed from within the browser (in that if I visit the url of your test suite in my browser, nothing happens as the driver instructions need to be run from outside the browser or from a plugin).
TestSwarm is not designed for these kind of integration tests, but for unit tests. A very different method that simply can't be performed by TestSwarm. Also, you wouldn't need any of TestSwarm's features for this and you'd miss things you need instead (like actual browsers and the ability to control them and extract the results). Where those browsers come from there usually is something like TestSwarm close by.
I'd recommend looking into SauceLabs and Jenkins (either self-hosted or perhaps a cloud based solution like CloudBees).
Check out:
• http://sauceio.com/index.php/2012/12/getting-the-most-out-of-selenium-with-cloudbees-and-sauce-labs/
• https://saucelabs.com/jenkins/1
• http://www.cloudbees.com/platform-service-saucelabsondemand.cb