我正在尝试附加适用于嵌套列表的函数,如常规列表。我想使用 Either String (Nested a) 以便它返回错误或附加列表。但它一直在失败。我没有在任何地方做 NestedList[NestedList a]。为什么它说它期望 [NestedList (NestedList a)]
module Main where
data NestedList a=Elem a | List[NestedList a] deriving Show
flatten ::NestedList a->[a]
flatten (Elem x)=[x]
flatten (List(x:xs))=flatten(x)++flatten(List xs)
--flatten NestedList (x:xs)=flatten(x)++flatten(xs)
flatten(List [])=[]
count a=length (a)
append::NestedList a->NestedList a->Either String (NestedList a)
append (_) (Elem a)=Left "Elements are not allowed"
append (Elem a) (_)=Left "Elements are not allowed"
append (List a) (List b)=Right (List (flatten(List a)++flatten(List b)))
print(flatten (List[Elem 1, Elem 2,List[Elem 1, Elem 2 ]]))
print(count(flatten (List[Elem 1, Elem 2,List[Elem 1, Elem 2 ]])))
print(append (List[List[Elem 1, Elem 2 ]]) (List[Elem 1, Elem 2,List[Elem 1, Elem 2 ]] ))
Couldn't match type `a' with `NestedList a'
`a' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for
append :: NestedList a
-> NestedList a -> Either String (NestedList a)
at flatten_list.hs:15:9
Expected type: [NestedList (NestedList a)]
Actual type: [NestedList a]
In the first argument of `List', namely `a'
In the first argument of `flatten', namely `(List a)'
In the first argument of `(++)', namely `flatten (List a)'
Couldn't match type `a' with `NestedList a'
`a' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for
append :: NestedList a
-> NestedList a -> Either String (NestedList a)
at flatten_list.hs:15:9
Expected type: [NestedList (NestedList a)]
Actual type: [NestedList a]
In the first argument of `List', namely `b'
In the first argument of `flatten', namely `(List b)'
In the second argument of `(++)', namely `flatten (List b)'