这就像常规除法一样,除了你是异或而不是减法。所以从股息中最重要的 1 开始。多项式的异或除数,将多项式中最重要的 1 与除数中的 1 对齐,将其变为零。重复直到你消除了低n位之上的所有 1,其中n是多项式的阶。结果是余数。
确保您的多项式在第 n+1 位中具有高项。即,使用,而不是。0x104C11DB7
如果您想要商(您写为“div”),请跟踪您消除的 1 的位置。向下移动n的那个集合是商。
/* Placed in the public domain by Mark Adler, Jan 18, 2014. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
/* Polynomial type -- must be an unsigned integer type. */
typedef uintmax_t poly_t;
/* Return x^n mod p(x) over GF(2). x^deg is the highest power of x in p(x).
The positions of the bits set in poly represent the remaining powers of x in
p(x). In addition, returned in *div are as many of the least significant
quotient bits as will fit in a poly_t. */
static poly_t xnmodp(unsigned n, poly_t poly, unsigned deg, poly_t *div)
poly_t mod, mask, high;
if (n < deg) {
*div = 0;
return poly;
mask = ((poly_t)1 << deg) - 1;
poly &= mask;
mod = poly;
*div = 1;
while (--n > deg) {
high = (mod >> deg) & 1;
*div = (*div << 1) | high; /* quotient bits may be lost off the top */
mod <<= 1;
if (high)
mod ^= poly;
return mod & mask;
/* Compute and show x^n modulo the IEEE 802.3 CRC-32 polynomial. If d is true,
also show the low bits of the quotient. */
static void show(unsigned n, int showdiv)
poly_t div;
printf("x^%u mod p(x) = %#" PPOLY "\n", n, xnmodp(n, 0x4C11DB7, 32, &div));
if (showdiv)
printf("x^%u div p(x) = %#" PPOLY "\n", n, div);
/* Compute the constants required to use PCLMULQDQ to compute the IEEE 802.3
32-bit CRC. These results appear on page 16 of the Intel paper "Fast CRC
Computation Using PCLMULQDQ Instruction". */
int main(void)
show(4*128+64, 0);
show(4*128, 0);
show(128+64, 0);
show(128, 0);
show(96, 0);
show(64, 1);
return 0;