struct my_pair {
uint32_t a, b;
std::map<uint32_t, my_pair> global_pair_map;
uint32_t register_new_pair(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
// Add the pair of (a, b) to the map global_pair_map on a new key, and return the
// new key value.
void release_pair(uint32_t key) {
// Remove the key from the global_pair_map.
void callback(uint32_t user_data) {
my_pair& p = global_pair_map[user_data];
// Use your pair of uint32_t with p.a, and p.b.
void main() {
uint32_t key = register_new_pair(number1, number2);
register_callback(callback, key);