我有一个Activity使用 a在创建它们时将s设置为的类ViewPager中创建三个Fragments 。ViewPagerFragmentsetRetainInstace(true);





这是我的 DialogFragment 代码: GenericDialogFragment 类仅用于更改外观

public class Fragment1 extends GenericDialogFragment implements WebServiceResult{

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Member Variables
//Webservice Callback
private WSRequest mActiveRequest = null;
// The Current Context of the Application
private Context mClassContext = null;
// Interface reference for communication
private static CommunicateResults communicateResults = null;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// New Instance Method

public static Fragment1 newInstance(int userId, GenericObject [] objects, GenericGroup [] groups, Object currentObject){
    // Initialize a new Fragment1
    Fragment1 fragment = new Fragment1();
    // Create a new Bundle
    Bundle args = new Bundle();


    // Return the Fragment1
    return fragment;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class Functions / Methods

// States that the Interface is attached to the parent activity
@Override public void onAttach(Activity activity)
    // Perform the Default Behavior
    Log.d("ONAttach()","On attach() is called" );
    // Try 
        // Attach the interface to the activity
        communicateResults = (CommunicateResults) ((MainActivity)  getActivity()).findFragment(EditableFragment1.class);

    }catch(Exception ex){
        // Print the stack trace

// States that the Dialog's View has been Created
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState){
    // Return the Inflated XML Layout
    return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment1, container, false);

// States that the fragment has been created, last chance to update the UI
public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState){
    // Perform the Default behavior

    mClassContext = getActivity();

    // Get the Arguments passed into the Fragment instance
    savedStateData = getArguments();

    // Reference all the UI Elements in the View    

    // Add listeners to the Button Widgets

    // If the savedInstanceState is not null, get the current object
    if(savedStateData != null){

        // Get the object out of the state data
        mCurrentObject = savedStateData.getParcelable(STATE_DATA_CURRENT_OBJECT);



// Webservice Callback methods

// States that the web service has succeeded 
@Override public void webserviceSucceeded(WebServiceBase finishedService, Object responseData) 

    Log.d("EDIT Object", responseData.toString());

    if(responseData != null){


            // Send Back to the object to remove
            communicateResults.sendBackData(mCurrentObject, ACTION_DELETE);


            JSONObject tempObject = (JSONObject) responseData;


                // Parse Data ...

            }catch(Exception ex){

                // TODO: The Object was deleted from the Lest

            // If we are creating a object, bundle the information to pass to the parent activity

                // Create a new Workout Object
                mCurrentObject = new Object();

                // Callback to Parent Activity to notify that data has changed
                communicateResults.sendBackData(mCurrentObject, ACTION_CREATE);

                // Else the Object was updated
                // Create a new  Object
                mCurrentObject = new Object();

                // Callback to Parent Activity to notify that data has changed
                communicateResults.sendBackData(mCurrentObject, ACTION_UPDATE);


    // Dismiss the fragment


// States that the web service has failed
public void webserviceFailed(WebServiceBase finishedService,
        Object errorData) {

    // Display the Error




1 回答 1


我想你正在寻找onActivityCreated(Bundle bundle);,这Fragment相当于Activity类的onRestoreSavedInstanceState(Bundle bundle);.


public void onActivityCreated (Bundle savedInstanceState) 在 API 级别 11 中添加

当片段的活动被创建并且这个片段的视图层次被实例化时调用。一旦这些部分到位,它就可以用来进行最终初始化,例如检索视图或恢复状态。它对于使用 setRetainInstance(boolean) 来保留其实例的片段也很有用,因为此回调会告诉片段何时与新的活动实例完全关联。这在 onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle) 之后和 onViewStateRestored(Bundle) 之前调用。参数 savedInstanceState 如果从先前保存的状态重新创建片段,则此状态。

当您的片段在方向更改时被销毁时,将其状态保存为 Activity 中的名称值对Bundle,然后当需要重新创建它时,在此方法中实例化一个新的,并设置相应的字段/检索新实例Interface中的 parcelable 。Fragment

于 2014-01-16T16:17:46.187 回答