萨拉姆我遇到了关于在 MATLAB 中赋值的问题。我有一个 5x5 的图像,我想在 delaunay 三角剖分中使用表面近似将其大小增加 2 我使用二元多项式进行插值,对于每个三角形,现在计算 9 个常数我必须定义一个新网格并找到网格点的位置在三角测量中,然后使用这些常量来计算新坐标上的像素值,但是为非整数坐标计算的像素值不能分配给新图像
for R=2 and N1 and N2=5
%defining new grid
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:1/R:N2,1:1/R:N1);
for triNum = 6 %i select a triangle
pts = r(tri(triNum,:),:); %gives the three vertices of triangle (x,y,z) of each
IN = inpolygon(X,Y,pts(:,1),pts(:,2)); % NxM%checks which point of X,Y are in that %triangle
HRtriangles(ind2sub(size(IN),find(IN==1))) = triNum; %assign the triangle number to a %new matrix, %hr triangls gives the HRgrid the num of triangle each grid point is
points=[X(ind2sub(size(IN),find(IN==1))),Y(ind2sub(size(IN),find(IN==1)))] %find value Tof coordinates which ar in that triangle
HRptC = c(HRtriangles(ind2sub(size(IN),find(IN==1))),: ); % a little error here because out of %32 triangles having 9 c values each i have to find the triangle containing points
% HRimage(points(:,1),points(:,2)) = sum(HRptC.*[1,points(:,1),points(:,2),points(:,1)^2,points(:,2)^2,points(:,1)^3,(x^2)*points(:,2),points(:,1)*(points(:,2)^2),points(:,2)^3]);
%main error here because HRimage is the image i have to form but for example for point %(1.5,1) i want to assign pixel value but due to non integer value of coordinate it cannot %be assigned