大部分为 0 (或其他不可读的内存),运行跟踪失败并显示Run trace: invalid condition 1 - Unable to get contents of memory
. 有没有办法做到这一点?
大部分为 0 (或其他不可读的内存),运行跟踪失败并显示Run trace: invalid condition 1 - Unable to get contents of memory
. 有没有办法做到这一点?
工具 ollydbg 1.10
ebp-44:\>dir /b
ebp-44:\>type ebp-44.cpp
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
int main (void)
char *mystrarray[] = {
"humble bee", "bumblebee", NULL,"my naughty string", "my notty string",
"my nauty string","my native string",NULL, "want to string me ",
"come on string with me","string sings the song strong", NULL, NULL,
"what's this string doing here in onederlaand", NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,
"teaching lice to string the strong","my golden bug is strumming here",
"my gold trinket's stringing here", "my gold trinket's stringing hare",
"want to string me ","come string me", "string sings the song strong",
NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,"my gold trinket's stringing hire",NULL,NULL
for (int i = 0; i < _countof(mystrarray) ; i++ )
register char *yoyo;
yoyo = mystrarray[i];
printf("%s\n", yoyo);
return 0;
ebp-44:\>cl /nologo /Zi /analyze /W4 ebp-44.cpp /link /RELEASE
humble bee
my naughty string
my notty string
my nauty string
my native string
want to string me
come on string with me
string sings the song strong
what's this string doing here in onederlaand
teaching lice to string the strong
my golden bug is strumming here
my gold trinket's stringing here
my gold trinket's stringing hare
want to string me
come string me
string sings the song strong
my gold trinket's stringing hire
ebp-44:\>OLLYDBG.EXE ebp-44.exe
设置 a以在条件框中的主要命中复选框breakpoint on main and f9
中断时运行 exe输入ctrl+t (condition to pause run trace)
check mark condition is true
STRING [[ EBP-90]] == "my gold trinket's stringing hare"
{EBP-90] 取自查看拆卸可能因您的情况而异使用适当的地址
0040111A |MOV ECX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-8C] ; yoyo = mystrarray[i];
00401120 |MOV EDX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+ECX*4-88]
00401127 |MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-90], EDX
0040112D |MOV EAX, DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-90] ; printf("%s\n", yoyo);
00401133 |PUSH EAX
00401134 |PUSH ebp-44.0041235C
00401139 |CALL ebp-44.printf
点击 ctrl+f11 (跟踪到)
当 [ebp-90] 包含字符串时,ollydbg 将中断
Log data, item 0
Message=Conditional pause: STRING [[ EBP-90]] == "my gold trinket's stringing hare"
看到 edx 上面的程序集正在将我们的字符串转换为 [ebp-90]
EDX=004122D0 (ebp-44.004122D0), ASCII "my gold trinket's stringing hare"
Stack SS:[0013FEE8]=004122D0 (ebp-44.004122D0), ASCII "my gold trinket's stringing hare"
ebp-44.cpp:18. yoyo = mystrarray[i];
这是损坏时的 ebp 打印
Log data, item 0
Message=ebp = 13ff78 ebp-90 = 13fee8 [ebp-90] = 4122d0 [[ebp-90]] = 6720796d STRING [[ebp-90]] = my gold trinket's stringing hare " see 6d792067 ascii equivalent for "my g"