
I've an app, which loads data from database. In a table I'm storing some URLs EX: https://facebook.com. Remember these URLs are dynamic and are controlled in admin panel.

Now, I need to get contents of these URLs and display it inside iFrame or inside a div within my app. Idea here is user should not go away from my app.

When I tried to load https://facebook.com it never loads because they've (X-Frame-Options) enabled.

Is there any solution for this?


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如果您想在您的站点上显示内容,那么您将不得不从您自己的服务器上显示它(例如,通过使用服务器端进程从第三方站点读取数据并从您自己的站点提供数据)。显然,这意味着您不能(例如)使用用户自己的凭据加载 Facebook。

于 2014-01-15T10:31:23.577 回答