我有几个数据库——大象、长颈鹿、大猩猩等——每个数据库都有一个输入和结果表,分别命名为 ElephantInputs、ElephantResults、GiraffeInputs、GiraffeResults、GorillaInputs、GorillaResults。我无法控制表命名。

我正在使用 LINQ to SQL 自动生成 ElephantInputs、ElephantResults、GiraffeInputs、GiraffeResults 等类。


我做的第一件事是为 Input 和 Result 对象创建一个接口,并为每个数据库创建一个分部类,以便其输入和结果对象实现该接口。这给了我每个动物的通用界面。我还为每个数据库创建了一个存储库类,它具有一些从数据库返回项目的方法。

public interface IBaseInput
    int ID { get; set; }
    string InputA { get; set; }
    int InputB { get; set; }
    double InputC { get; set; }

public interface IBaseResult
    int ID { get; set; }
    string ResultA { get; set; }
    int ResultB { get; set; }
    double ResultC { get; set; }

public interface IRepository<I, R>
    where I : IBaseInput
    where R : IBaseResult
    IQueryable<I> GetInputs();
    IQueryable<R> GetResults();

public partial class GorillaInput : IBaseInput

public partial class GorillaResult : IBaseResult

    // A concrete repository for Gorillas
    public class GorillaRepository : IRepository<GorillaInput, GorillaResult>

    GorillaDataContext db = new GorillaDataContext(GetConnectionString("Gorillas"));

    public IQueryable<GorillaInput> GetInputs()
        return from p in db.GorillaInputs select p;

    public IQueryable<GorillaResult> GetResults()
        return from r in db.GorillaResults select r;


public interface IProcessor
    void Process();


public class Processor<T, I, R> : IProcessor
    where T : class, IRepository<I, R>, new()
    where P : IBaseInput
    where R : IBaseResult

    public void Process()
        // Do some stuff ...

        T repository = new T();  // Get results from the rater tables
        IEnumerable<I> inputs = repository.GetInputs();
        IEnumerable<R> results = repository.GetResults();

        // Do some stuff with inputs and outputs...

public static class ProcessorFactory
    public static IProcessor GetProcessor(string animal)
        switch (animal) {
            case "Elephant":
                return new Processor<ElephantRepository, ElephantInput, ElephantResult>();
            case "Giraffe":
                return new Processor<GiraffeRepository, GiraffeInput, GiraffeResult>();
            case "Gorilla":
                return new Processor<GorillaRepository, GorillaInput, GorillaResult>();
                return null;


class Program
    public static void Main()
        IProcessor processor = ProcessorFactory.GetProcessor("Gorilla");



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public class Processor

    public void Process(IRepository repository)
        // Do some stuff ...

        IEnumerable<IBaseInput> inputs = repository.GetInputs();
        IEnumerable<IBaseResult> results = repository.GetResults();

        // Do some stuff with inputs and outputs...
于 2010-01-21T18:15:58.307 回答