用于 MCEdit 过滤器:
inputs = (
("Change Relative Values", True),
("Change Exact Values", True),
("Use Selected Region", False),
("Min X:", 0),
("Max X:", 0),
("Min Y:", 0),
("Max Y:", 0),
("Min Z:", 0),
("Max Z:", 0),
("dx", 0),
("dy", 0),
("dz", 0)
formatCode = unichr(167)
def perform(level, box, options):
dx = options["dx"]
dy = options["dy"]
dz = options["dz"]
minx = options["Min X:"]
miny = options["Min Y:"]
minz = options["Min Z:"]
maxx = options["Max X:"]
maxy = options["Max Y:"]
maxz = options["Max Z:"]
relative = options["Change Relative Values"]
exact = options["Change Exact Values"]
selected = options["Use Selected Region"]
for (chunk, slices, point) in level.getChunkSlices(box):
for t in chunk.TileEntities:
x = t["x"].value
y = t["y"].value
z = t["z"].value
if x >= box.minx and x < box.maxx and y >= box.miny and y < box.maxy and z >= box.minz and z < box.maxz and t["id"].value == "Control":
command = t["Command"].value
if command[0] == "/":
command = command[1:]
words = command.split(" ")
for word in range(len(words)):
if words[word][0] == "@" and len(words[word]) >= 4 and words[0] != "give" and exact:
subparams = words[word][3:len(words[word])-1].split(",")
if len(subparams) >= 1 and subparams[0].find("=") == -1:
if (int(subparams[0]) <= maxx and int(subparams[0]) >= minx and not selected) or (int(subparams[0]) >= box.minx and int(subparams[0]) <= box.maxx-1 and selected):
subparams[0] = str(int(subparams[0])+dx)
if len(subparams) >= 2 and subparams[1].find("=") == -1:
if (int(subparams[1]) <= maxy and int(subparams[1]) >= miny and not selected) or (int(subparams[1]) >= box.miny and int(subparams[1]) <= box.maxy-1 and selected):
subparams[1] = str(int(subparams[1])+dy)
if len(subparams) >= 3 and subparams[2].find("=") == -1:
if (int(subparams[2]) <= maxz and int(subparams[2]) >= minz and not selected) or (int(subparams[2]) >= box.minz and int(subparams[2]) <= box.maxz-1 and selected):
subparams[2] = str(int(subparams[2])+dz)
for inx in range(len(subparams)):
frags = subparams[inx].split("=")
if frags[0] == "x":
if (int(frags[1]) <= maxx and int(frags[1]) >= minx and not selected) or (int(frags[1]) >= box.minx and int(frags[1]) <= box.maxx-1 and selected):
frags[1] = str(int(frags[1]) + dx)
if frags[0] == "y":
if (int(frags[1]) <= maxy and int(frags[1]) >= miny and not selected) or (int(frags[1]) >= box.minz and int(frags[1]) <= box.maxy-1 and selected):
frags[1] = str(int(frags[1]) + dy)
if frags[0] == "z":
if (int(frags[1]) <= maxz and int(frags[1]) >= minz and not selected) or (int(frags[1]) >= box.minz and int(frags[1]) <= box.maxz-1 and selected):
frags[1] = str(int(frags[1]) + dz)
subparams[inx] = "=".join(frags)
words[word] = words[word][0:3] + ",".join(subparams) + "]"
if (words[0] == "tp" or words[0] == "spawnpoint" or words[0] == "summon") and len(words) >= 5:
if exact == True:
if words[2][0] != "~":
if (int(words[2]) <= maxx and int(words[2]) >= minx and not selected) or (int(words[2]) >= box.minx and int(words[2]) <= box.maxx-1 and selected):
words[2] = str(int(words[2]) + dx)
if words[3][0] != "~":
if (int(words[3]) <= maxy and int(words[3]) >= miny and not selected) or (int(words[3]) >= box.miny and int(words[3]) <= box.maxy-1 and selected):
words[3] = str(int(words[3]) + dy)
if words[4][0] != "~":
if (int(words[4]) <= maxz and int(words[4]) >= minz and not selected) or (int(words[4]) >= box.minz and int(words[4]) <= box.maxz-1 and selected):
words[4] = str(int(words[4]) + dz)
if relative == True:
if words[2][0] == "~":
if (int(words[2][1:]) <= maxx and int(words[2][1:]) >= minx and not selected) or (int(words[2][1:]) >= box.minx and int(words[2][1:]) <= box.maxx-1 and selected):
words[2][1:] = "~"+str(int(words[2][1:]) + dx)
if words[3][0] == "~":
if (int(words[3][1:]) <= maxy and int(words[3][1:]) >= miny and not selected) or (int(words[3][1:]) >= box.miny and int(words[3][1:]) <= box.maxy-1 and selected):
words[3][1:] = "~"+str(int(words[3][1:]) + dy)
if words[4][0] == "~":
if (int(words[4][1:]) <= maxz and int(words[4][1:]) >= minz and not selected) or (int(words[4][1:]) >= box.minz and int(words[4][1:]) <= box.maxz-1 and selected):
words[4] = "~"+str(int(words[4][1:]) + dz)
if (words[0] == "setblock" or words[0] == "testforblock") and len(words) >= 5:
if exact == True:
if words[1][0] != "~":
if (int(words[1]) <= maxx and int(words[1]) >= minx and not selected) or (int(words[1]) >= box.minx and int(words[1]) <= box.maxx-1 and selected):
words[1] = str(int(words[1]) + dx)
if words[2][0] != "~":
if (int(words[2]) <= maxy and int(words[2]) >= miny and not selected) or (int(words[2]) >= box.miny and int(words[2]) <= box.maxy-1 and selected):
words[2] = str(int(words[2]) + dy)
if words[3][0] != "~":
if (int(words[3]) <= maxz and int(words[3]) >= minz and not selected) or (int(words[3]) >= box.minz and int(words[3]) <= box.maxz-1 and selected):
words[3] = str(int(words[3]) + dz)
if relative == True:
if words[1][0] == "~":
if (int(words[1][1:]) <= maxx and int(words[1][1:]) >= minx and not selected) or (int(words[1][1:]) >= box.minx and int(words[1][1:]) <= box.maxx-1 and selected):
words[1] = "~"+str(int(words[1][1:]) + dx)
if words[2][0] == "~":
if (int(words[2][1:]) <= maxy and int(words[2][1:]) >= miny and not selected) or (int(words[2][1:]) >= box.miny and int(words[2][1:]) <= box.maxy-1 and selected):
words[2] = "~"+str(int(words[2][1:]) + dy)
if words[3][0] == "~":
if (int(words[3][1:]) <= maxz and int(words[3][1:]) >= minz and not selected) or (int(words[3][1:]) >= box.minz and int(words[3][1:]) <= box.maxz-1 and selected):
words[3] = "~"+str(int(words[3][1:]) + dz)
t["Command"] = TAG_String(" ".join(words))
chunk.dirty = True