请将构造 HttpGetSender 实例时使用的值更改为您需要的任何值。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using PcapDotNet.Core;
using PcapDotNet.Packets;
using PcapDotNet.Packets.Ethernet;
using PcapDotNet.Packets.Http;
using PcapDotNet.Packets.IpV4;
using PcapDotNet.Packets.Transport;
namespace SendingHttpGet
internal class HttpGetSender
public HttpGetSender()
public MacAddress SourceMac { get; set; }
public MacAddress DestinationMac { get; set; }
public IpV4Address SourceIpV4 { get; set; }
public IpV4Address DestinationIpV4 { get; set; }
public string Host { get; set; }
public void Run(PacketDevice device)
using (PacketCommunicator communicator = device.Open(100, // name of the device
// promiscuous mode
100)) // read timeout
private void WaitForAck(PacketCommunicator communicator)
communicator.SetFilter("tcp and src " + DestinationIpV4 + " and dst " + SourceIpV4 + " and src port " + _destinationPort + " and dst port " + _sourcePort);
Packet packet;
while (true)
if (communicator.ReceivePacket(out packet) == PacketCommunicatorReceiveResult.Ok)
if (packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Tcp.AcknowledgmentNumber == _expectedAckNumber)
_seqNumber = _expectedAckNumber;
_ackNumber = packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Tcp.SequenceNumber + 1;
private void WaitForResponse(PacketCommunicator communicator)
communicator.SetFilter("tcp and src " + DestinationIpV4 + " and dst " + SourceIpV4 + " and src port " + _destinationPort + " and dst port " + _sourcePort);
Packet packet;
while (true)
if (communicator.ReceivePacket(out packet) == PacketCommunicatorReceiveResult.Ok)
Console.WriteLine("Expected ack number: " + _expectedAckNumber);
Console.WriteLine("Received ack number: " + packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Tcp.AcknowledgmentNumber);
if (packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Tcp.AcknowledgmentNumber == _expectedAckNumber)
private void SendSyn(PacketCommunicator communicator)
// Ethernet Layer
EthernetLayer ethernetLayer = new EthernetLayer
Source = SourceMac,
Destination = DestinationMac,
// IPv4 Layer
IpV4Layer ipV4Layer = new IpV4Layer
Source = SourceIpV4,
CurrentDestination = DestinationIpV4,
Ttl = 128,
Fragmentation =
new IpV4Fragmentation(IpV4FragmentationOptions.DoNotFragment, 0),
Identification = 1234,
// TCP Layer
TcpLayer tcpLayer = new TcpLayer
SourcePort = _sourcePort,
DestinationPort = _destinationPort,
SequenceNumber = _seqNumber,
ControlBits = TcpControlBits.Synchronize,
Window = _windowSize,
communicator.SendPacket(PacketBuilder.Build(DateTime.Now, ethernetLayer, ipV4Layer, tcpLayer));
_expectedAckNumber = _seqNumber + 1;
private void SendGet(PacketCommunicator communicator)
// Ethernet Layer
EthernetLayer ethernetLayer = new EthernetLayer
Source = SourceMac,
Destination = DestinationMac,
// IPv4 Layer
IpV4Layer ipV4Layer = new IpV4Layer
Source = SourceIpV4,
CurrentDestination = DestinationIpV4,
Ttl = 128,
Fragmentation =
new IpV4Fragmentation(IpV4FragmentationOptions.DoNotFragment, 0),
Identification = 1235,
// TCP Layer
TcpLayer tcpLayer = new TcpLayer
SourcePort = _sourcePort,
DestinationPort = _destinationPort,
SequenceNumber = _seqNumber,
AcknowledgmentNumber = _ackNumber,
ControlBits = TcpControlBits.Acknowledgment,
Window = _windowSize,
// HTTP Layer
HttpLayer httpLayer = new HttpRequestLayer
Uri = "/",
Header = new HttpHeader(HttpField.CreateField("Host", Host)),
Method = new HttpRequestMethod(HttpRequestKnownMethod.Get),
Version = HttpVersion.Version11,
Packet packet = PacketBuilder.Build(DateTime.Now, ethernetLayer, ipV4Layer, tcpLayer, httpLayer);
_expectedAckNumber = (uint) (_seqNumber + packet.Ethernet.IpV4.Tcp.PayloadLength);
private ushort _sourcePort = (ushort) (4123 + new Random().Next() % 1000);
private ushort _destinationPort = 80;
private uint _seqNumber = (uint) new Random().Next();
private uint _expectedAckNumber;
private ushort _windowSize = 8192;
private uint _ackNumber;
internal class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
// Retrieve the device list from the local machine
IList<LivePacketDevice> allDevices = LivePacketDevice.AllLocalMachine;
if (allDevices.Count == 0)
Console.WriteLine("No interfaces found! Make sure WinPcap is installed.");
// Print the list
for (int i = 0; i != allDevices.Count; ++i)
LivePacketDevice device = allDevices[i];
Console.Write((i + 1) + ". " + device.Name);
if (device.Description != null)
Console.WriteLine(" (" + device.Description + ")");
Console.WriteLine(" (No description available)");
int deviceIndex = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Enter the interface number (1-" + allDevices.Count + "):");
string deviceIndexString = Console.ReadLine();
if (!int.TryParse(deviceIndexString, out deviceIndex) ||
deviceIndex < 1 || deviceIndex > allDevices.Count)
deviceIndex = 0;
} while (deviceIndex == 0);
// Take the selected adapter
PacketDevice selectedDevice = allDevices[deviceIndex - 1];
HttpGetSender sender = new HttpGetSender
SourceMac = new MacAddress("your:host:mac:address:1:2"),
DestinationMac = new MacAddress("gateway:mac:address:1:2:3"),
SourceIpV4 = new IpV4Address("your.host.ip.address"),
DestinationIpV4 = new IpV4Address("target.host.ip.address"),
Host = "targethost.com",