I am looking for a way to reorder the content (items) of a WPF WrapPanel via drag and drop. I just want to click on an item and drag it to a new position.

To my understanding this is a very common task and I wonder I someone already did this or has any idea how to implement this functionality.

I did a google search already but found nothing. Maybe it is more difficult than I expected.


2 回答 2




啊,我注意到您只是在谈论 WrapPanel:您需要将 ItemsControl 与 WrapPanel 一起使用:

        <WrapPanel />
于 2010-01-21T11:23:26.903 回答

A wrap panel won't give you the functionality you are looking for since it is just for layout. Instead look at adding the drag and drop functionality to a ListBox and change the ItemsPanelTemplate of that ListBox to use a wrap panel.

于 2010-01-21T11:19:49.610 回答