/* (PHP 5.3.18 on XAMPP, windows XP)
* I will use the procedural 'mysqli' functions in this example as that is
* what you seem familiar with.
* However, the 'object oriented' style is preferred currently.
* It all works fine though :-)
* I recommend PDO (PHP Data Objects) as the way to go for Database access
* as it provides a 'common' interface to many database engines.
// this is an example 'select' parameter -- how this value gets set is up to you...
// use a form, get parameter or other, it is not important.
$bindparamUsername = 'user_2'; // example!!!!
// connect to the database...
$dbConnection = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'test', 'test'); // connect
mysqli_select_db($dbConnection, 'testmysql'); // my test database
// the SQL Query...
// the '?' is a placeholder for a value that will be substituted when the query runs.
// Note: the ORDER of the selected Columns is important not the column names.
// Note: The number of selected columns is important and must match the number of
// 'result' bind variables used later.
$sql = "SELECT username, age, gender FROM profiles WHERE username = ?";
// DB engine: parse the query into an internal form that it understands
$preparedQuery = mysqli_prepare($dbConnection, $sql);
// bind an actual input PHP variable to the prepared query so the db will have all required values
// when the query is executed.
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($preparedQuery, 's', $bindparamUsername);
// run the query...
$success = mysqli_execute($preparedQuery);
// You can only bind which variables to store the result columns in AFTER the query has run!
// Now bind where any results from the query will be returned...
// There must be as many 'bind' variables as there are selected columns!
// This is because each column value from the query will be returned into the
// 'bound' PHP variable.
// Note: You cannot bind to an array. You must bind to an individual PHP variable.
// I have kept the same names but they are only of use to you.
$fetchedRow = array( 'username' => null,
'age' => null,
'gender' => null);
* Note: order of columns in the query and order of destination variables in the 'bind' statement is important.
* i.e. $fetchedRow[username] could be replaced with variable $firstColumn,
* $fetchedRow[age] could be replaces with variable $secondColumn
* and so on...
* There must be as many bind variables as there are columns.
mysqli_stmt_bind_result($preparedQuery, $fetchedRow['username'],
* Note: if you use the 'Object Oriented' version of 'mysqli': All of this is 'hidden'
* but still happens 'behind the scenes'!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<?php // each 'fetch' updates the $fetchedRow PHP variable... ?>
<?php while (mysqli_stmt_fetch($preparedQuery)): ?>
<br />
CATEGORY <?php echo $fetchedRow['username']; ?>
<br />
TITEL <?php echo $fetchedRow['age']; ?> <br />
CONTENT <?php echo $fetchedRow['gender']; ?> <br />
<?php endwhile ?>