我一直在关注关于跳线的教程,现在我已经到了第 3 部分。这是链接
对于第 2 部分,我已成功让我的玩家与地图发生碰撞,但当我更新游戏以包含第 3 部分的指令时,碰撞停止并且我的角色再次开始自由落体。我对代码进行了一些修改以制作程序编译(因为教程中写的一些代码已经过时了,甚至注释中写的代码也过时了)。这导致人们相信代码中可能缺少更多内容。我正在使用的地图的 cvs 和 png 文件包含在第 3 部分末尾通过下载链接提供的源代码中。
package com.chipacabra.Jumper
import org.flixel.*;
public class PlayState extends FlxState
[Embed(source = '../../../../levels/mapCSV_Group1_Map1.csv', mimeType =
'application/octet-stream')]public var levelMap:Class;
[Embed(source = "../../../../levels/mapCSV_Group1_Map1back.csv", mimeType =
"application/octet-stream")]public var backgroundMap:Class;
//[Embed(source = '../../../../art/tilemap.png')]public var levelTiles:Class;
// This was the old art, not using it anymore.
[Embed(source = "../../../../art/area02_level_tiles2.png")]public var levelTiles:Class;
//This is the new art.
public var map:FlxTilemap = new FlxTilemap;
public var background:FlxTilemap = new FlxTilemap;
public var player:Player;
override public function create():void
add(background.loadMap(new backgroundMap, levelTiles, 16, 16));
background.scrollFactor.x = background.scrollFactor.y = .5;
add(map.loadMap(new levelMap, levelTiles, 16, 16));
add(player = new Player(10, 10));
FlxG.camera.setBounds(0, 0, 1600, 800);
FlxG.camera.follow(player, FlxCamera.STYLE_PLATFORMER);
//FlxG.worldBounds.x = 0;
//FlxG.worldBounds.y = 0;
//FlxG.worldBounds.width = 1600;
//FlxG.worldBounds.height = 800;
override public function update():void
FlxG.collide(map, player);
package com.chipacabra.Jumper
import org.flixel.*;
* ...
* @author A. Velitsky
public class Player extends FlxSprite
[Embed(source = "../../../../art/helmutguy.png")]public var Helmutguy:Class;
protected static const RUN_SPEED: int = 80;
protected static const GRAVITY: int = 300; //originaly 420
protected static const JUMP_SPEED: int = 200;
public function Player(X:int,Y:int):void
super(X, Y);
loadGraphic(Helmutguy, true, true);
addAnimation("walking", [1, 2], 12, true);
addAnimation("idle", [0]);
drag.x = RUN_SPEED * 8
// Drag is how quickly you slow down when you're not
// pushing a button. By using a multiplier, it will
// always scale to the run speed, even if we change it.
acceleration.y = GRAVITY;
// Always try to push helmutguy in the direction of gravity
maxVelocity.x = RUN_SPEED;
maxVelocity.y = JUMP_SPEED;
public override function update(): void
acceleration.x = 0;
// Reset to 0 when no button is
if (FlxG.keys.LEFT)
facing = LEFT;
acceleration.x = -drag.x;
else if (FlxG.keys.RIGHT)
facing = RIGHT;
acceleration.x = drag.x;
if (FlxG.keys.justPressed("UP") && !velocity.y)
velocity.y = -JUMP_SPEED;
if (velocity.x != 0) { play("walking"); }
else if (!velocity.x) { play("idle"); }
import org.flixel.*; //Allows you to refer to flixel objects in your code
import com.chipacabra.Jumper.PlayState;
[SWF(width = "640", height = "480", backgroundColor = "#000000")] //Set the size and color of the
Flash file
public class Jumper extends FlxGame
public function Jumper()
super(320, 240, PlayState, 2); //Create a new FlxGame object at 320x240 with 2x pixels,
then load PlayState
FlxG.bgColor = 0x8DEBFC;
import org.flixel.system.FlxPreloader;
* ...
* @author A. Velitsky
public class Preloader extends FlxPreloader
public function Preloader()
className = "Jumper";
编辑:嗯...我似乎发现我从教程的评论中得到的代码...几乎是正确的...唯一错误的是没有指定相机的视图样式。似乎 FlxG.camera.setBounds(0, 0, 1600, 800); 不需要调用......虽然我想知道为什么我想使用 FlxG.camera.setBounds(); 我可能会在飞机/宇宙飞船射击游戏中使用这个东西?